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The Neuroscientific Mechanisms of Empathy and Peace Consciousness: An Integrative Approach

이용수 3

Hyoungbin Park
간행물 정보
『Journal of Public Value』Vol. 8, 133~142쪽, 전체 10쪽
사회과학 > 사회복지학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Purpose: This paper investigates the neuroscientific mechanisms underlying empathy and peace consciousness, which are essential for fostering harmonious social interactions and non-violent behavior. The goal is to synthesize current findings to provide a comprehensive understanding of how specific brain regions contribute to these processes. Method: The study examines key neural components, including the mirror neuron system, the limbic system, the Default Mode Network (DMN), and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). By integrating findings from neuro-scientific research, the paper explores the roles of these brain networks in supporting empathy and peace consciousness. Results: The research highlights the distinct yet interconnected roles of the examined brain regions. The mirror neuron system supports empathy by enabling the recognition and simulation of others' emotions and actions. The limbic system regulates emotional responses, facilitating emotional connection and stability. The Default Mode Network (DMN) fosters introspection, self-awareness, and moral reasoning, contributing to peace consciousness. The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) promotes conflict resolution and non-violent decision-making through its role in cognitive control and emotional regulation. Conclusion: Empathy and peace consciousness emerge as complex phenomena resulting from dynamic interactions within the brain. This study underscores the importance of these neural networks in promoting harmonious social interactions and suggests that fostering these processes depends on a deeper understanding of their underlying mechanisms. Furthermore, educational collaboration strategies between Korea and Morocco in this field were proposed.

영문 초록


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Foundations
3. Neuroscientific Foundations of Empathy
4. Neuroscientific Mechanisms of Peace Consciousness
5. Conclusion: Possibilities for Educational Cooperation between Korea and Morocco
6. References


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Hyoungbin Park. (2024).The Neuroscientific Mechanisms of Empathy and Peace Consciousness: An Integrative Approach. Journal of Public Value, (), 133-142


Hyoungbin Park. "The Neuroscientific Mechanisms of Empathy and Peace Consciousness: An Integrative Approach." Journal of Public Value, (2024): 133-142

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