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Social Construction of the Outcome-based Education Curriculum in Indonesia’s Higher Education: a public value perspective

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Muhammad Zuhdi
간행물 정보
『Journal of Public Value』Vol. 8, 37~46쪽, 전체 10쪽
사회과학 > 사회복지학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Purpose: As a major component of education, every curriculum is crafted to guide students toward achieving intended educational objectives. This study examines how curricula act as a conduit for society's aspirations and expectations of its youth Method: This study adopts a qualitative approach utilizing library research to explore the application of social construction theory in curriculum development. Grounded in Berger and Luckmann's social construction theory, the research analyzes curricula as products of collective beliefs, power dynamics, and public values, shaped by societal expectations and historical contexts. Results: Through a critical analysis of various studies on curriculum and society, this article shows that curriculum reflects not only the mission of government as an education authority, but also embody knowledge valued by society and the prevailing ideologies and power structures shaping educational priorities. This article also highlights the need for participatory curriculum reform that is responsive to the evolving needs and values of diverse communities, promoting inclusivity and the public good in education. Conclusion: Although educational authorities hold the power to determine the knowledge deemed most valuable for inclusion in curricula, society plays a pivotal role in shaping curriculum content. Depending on the structure of a society, society’s expectation towards educational goals and contents will be conveyed to the education authority. In more open and democratic societies, the education authority will listen more to the society’s demands, while in less democratic societies government will take bigger control to the content of a curriculum. Nevertheless, the government will make its own way in finding the people’s expectations.

영문 초록


1. Introduction
2. Why OBE Curriculum?
3. Social Construction of OBE Curriculum
4. OBE Curriculum in higher education from a public value perspective
5. The challenges of the implementation of OBE curriculum
6. Conclusion
7. References


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Muhammad Zuhdi. (2024).Social Construction of the Outcome-based Education Curriculum in Indonesia’s Higher Education: a public value perspective. Journal of Public Value, (), 37-46


Muhammad Zuhdi. "Social Construction of the Outcome-based Education Curriculum in Indonesia’s Higher Education: a public value perspective." Journal of Public Value, (2024): 37-46

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