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Theoretical Implications on Ethics in Public Management and Leadership Capacity

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Tahka Benice Leinyuy Tamunang Tamutana Timothy
간행물 정보
『Journal of Public Value』Vol. 8, 93~100쪽, 전체 8쪽
사회과학 > 사회복지학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Abstract: Ethics play a vital role in public management and leadership capacity, as it shapes the moral of leaders in decision making, policy implementation and stakeholder engagement. This paper explores the significance of ethical principles that fosters effective leadership, promoting accountability and enhancing public trust within the framework of John Rawl’s ideals laid out in his 1971 seminal work “The Theory of Justice”. By examining the role of ethics in public management, key challenges and opportunities for leaders to cultivate a culture of integrity, honesty and responsiveness are examined. Methodology: This paper mainly utilizes Rawls’ theory of Justice to argue for a just governance and leadership qualities. It makes use of qualitative research main secondary sources from related academic journals and opinion blogs on various aspects on moral Ethics in public management and leadership capacity. Results: Results show that ethical competencies in leadership development, focusing on best practices for integrating ethics into public management issues are vital for a just society according to Rawls’ views of justice. The paper lays emphasis on the importance of ethics in public leadership, emphasizing on its impacts on organizational performance, citizen satisfaction and the validity of public institutions. Leaders’ fundamental duty is to uphold justice and act with fairness in their decision-making that ensures equitable society. Rawls’ views indirectly shows that honesty is the quality of being truthful, sincere, and transparent in one's words and actions as it builds trust, respect, and credibility in relationships; promotes impartiality and fairness, preventing leaders from making self-serving or biased decisions. Rawls’ demonstrated that ethical leadership promote inclusivity, and stand for social justice contributes significantly to shaping a better world. Conclusion: The theories elaborated in the paper present a wide view of leadership competency values that should deliver on all bases should leaders can craft themselves along the principles, standards, morals, values, norms and behaviors that are acceptable by these leaders and other members of the society. It plays a vital role in public management and leadership capacity. Thus the importance of standards ethical leadership transcends across all sectors of the society, governance and boasts leaders’ public trust.

영문 초록


1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Ethical Competencies in leadership Development
4. Ethical Leadership Outcomes
5. Conclusion
6. References


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Tahka Benice Leinyuy,Tamunang Tamutana Timothy. (2024).Theoretical Implications on Ethics in Public Management and Leadership Capacity. Journal of Public Value, (), 93-100


Tahka Benice Leinyuy,Tamunang Tamutana Timothy. "Theoretical Implications on Ethics in Public Management and Leadership Capacity." Journal of Public Value, (2024): 93-100

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