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- 영문명
- A Brief Analysis of the Concept of “Religious Secularization” in the Chinese Context: Taking the Pure Land Belief as an Example
- 발행기관
- YIXIN 출판사
- 저자명
- 黄闻涛(Huang Wentao)
- 간행물 정보
- 『Journal of China Studies』제2권 제10호, 99~108쪽, 전체 10쪽
- 주제분류
- 사회과학 > 교육학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.10.31
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국문 초록
The concept of “religious secularization” was first proposed by Western scholars to describe the changes in the status of religion in the overall social structure in the process of modernization. The concept of “religious secularization” in the Western context focuses on the separation of the religious sphere from the secular sphere, highlighting the separation of religion from secular life and the weakening of the social influence of religion. However, the meaning of “religious secularization” has different tendencencies in different societies. In the Chinese context, the understanding of “religious secularization” is not based on describing the separation of religion and secularity, and many Chinese researchers are more inclined to describe the process of sinking religion to the secular level as “religious secularization”. By considering the popularization of religious doctrines, the simplification of religious rituals, and the folk transformation of the group structure of believers as the “secularization” of the religious field, Chinese researchers have constructed their own concept of “religious secularization” and applied it to specific research. This paper will take the development of Pure Land belief as an example, and analyze the development trend of Pure Land belief in religious doctrines, religious rituals, and believer groups according to Chinese researchers, showing the difference in the concept of “religious secularization” in Chinese and Western contexts.
영문 초록
Ⅰ. 西方宗教世俗化的通用范式及相关辨析
Ⅱ. 中国语境中净土信仰所呈现出的“宗教世俗化”倾向
Ⅲ. 中西方语境中“宗教世俗化”概念差异探究
Ⅵ. 余论
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