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고려 후기~조선시대 발해인 영순태씨 가문 검토 - 시조(始祖) 대금취(大金就)와 현조(顯祖) 태두남(太斗南)를 중심으로

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The Balhae-originated Yeongsun Tae House in the Goryeo~Joseon period - Focusing on the Founder(始祖) Dae Geum-chwi(大金就), and his descendant named Tae Du-nam(太斗南) who revitalized the House
한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소
박순우(Soon-woo Park)
간행물 정보
『역사문화연구』제91집, 175~204쪽, 전체 30쪽
인문학 > 역사학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

이 글은 고려~조선시대 발해인 영순태씨(永順太氏)의 시조(始祖) 대금취(大金就)와 중흥조(中興祖) 태두남(太斗南) 관련 기록을 검토하고 행적을 재구성하였다. 고려 후기에 이르면 발해인들의 거주지역이 확대되는 양상이 확인되는데, 그중 단연 돋보인 지역은 상주목-영순현이다. 이 지역 영순태씨 발해인들은 고려 말에 이르러 ‘향리(鄕吏)’가 되면서 통치 체제에 편입되었다. 이 마을(村) 사람 중 태씨(太氏) 성을 가진 자가 적을 잡은 공로로 영순군에 봉해졌는데, 영순태씨 발해인들은 그 인물이 대금취(大金就)라고 이해하기 시작했다. 이후 조선 중종대 태두남에 의해 ‘대금취=영순군(永順君)’이라는 도식이 공식화되었다. 한편 영순태씨를 반석에 올려놓기 시작한 태두남에 대해서는 사뭇 다른 두 갈래의 평가가 있다. 관찬 기록에 따르면 그는 평범한 관료에 불과하지만, 조선후기 영남지역 문인들의 기록에 의하면 그는 대단히 강직하고 바른 사람이었던 것으로 평가되고 있었다. 스승 김양진이 죽자 모두 나아가기를 주저할 때 홀로 나아가 스승의 장례를 극진히 모셨던 것에서 그의 성품이 드러난다고 할 것이다. 태두남의 후인들이 뿌리를 내린 예천 일대는 이름난 명문들이 많은 곳으로서 태두남의 후손들 역시 그들과 호흡하며 영향을 받았다. 특히 그들이 적극적으로 선대의 기록을 취합해 족보편찬을 위해 노력한 점도 당대의 사회를 반영하는 것으로 이해할 수 있다.

영문 초록

Examined and reconstructed in this article are the lives and actions of two individuals. One is Dae Geum-chwi(大金就), who is believed to have founded the Yeongsun Tae House(永順太氏), while the other is Tae Du-nam(太斗南) who is oftentimes heralded as the middle founder of the house[中興祖]. The primary focus of this endeavor is to determine what kind of lives the people from Balhae (who either came from Balhae themselves or born from them) led during the late Goryeo and early-middle periods of Joseon. In the latter half of the Goryeo period, the regions where people from Balhae were able to (or allowed to) live expanded, and one of the regions which newly appeared as one of the new habitats for them was the Yeongsun-hyeon(永順縣) region under the jurisdiction of the Sangju-mok(尙州牧) magistrate. The Balhae people (who later became to be known as members of the Yeongsun-Tae house) were incorporated into the areal community as local Hyang’ri(鄕吏) clerks at the end of the Goryeo dynasty period, and became part of the local ruling structure. One of the villagers who bore the last name Tae(太) was reportedly rewarded with the title Yeongsun-gun(永順君) for his bald action of capturing an enemy trooper, and descendants of the house came to believe that Dae Geum-chwi was that individual. Later in mid-Joseon, such belief was officialized by Tae Du-nam who lived during Joseon king Jungjong’s reign. For Tae Du-nam, who is generally recognized for his contribution of cementing the foundation of the house, there are two distinctively different observations. Records from the government, such as the Veritable records of Joseon(Shilok), only suggests that he was a mere mid-level governmental official, but the literary figures from the Yeongnam region in the latter half of the Joseon dynasty period left records of praising him as a man of integrity, courage and a moral compass. He is also known to have overseen the funeral for his master, when the master was persecuted by a powerful being in the government and no other disciple was brave enough to dare rush to the care of their fallen master. The Yecheon area where Tae Du-nam’s descendants took root was the home of many renowned houses, and they would have befriended them while becoming part of the culture. They were the ones who were able to rediscover their own heritage through Tae Du-nam’s own writings, during their efforts of compiling the latest version of the familial geneaology records.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 고려후기 영순태씨의 시조(始祖) 대금취(大金就)
Ⅲ. 조선전기 영순태씨의 현조(顯祖) 태두남(太斗南)
Ⅳ. 맺음말


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박순우(Soon-woo Park). (2024).고려 후기~조선시대 발해인 영순태씨 가문 검토 - 시조(始祖) 대금취(大金就)와 현조(顯祖) 태두남(太斗南)를 중심으로. 역사문화연구, (), 175-204


박순우(Soon-woo Park). "고려 후기~조선시대 발해인 영순태씨 가문 검토 - 시조(始祖) 대금취(大金就)와 현조(顯祖) 태두남(太斗南)를 중심으로." 역사문화연구, (2024): 175-204

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