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초월적이고 화평한 신금(宸襟)을 생기하는『구운몽』에 관한 학제적 탐색

이용수 21

A Interdisciplinary Research on Guunmong that revives a Transcendent and Peaceful King’s Heart
조선대학교 국제문화연구원
이중곤(Lee, Junggon)
간행물 정보
『국제문화연구』Vol.16 No.2, 121~153쪽, 전체 33쪽
인문학 > 기타인문학

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1:1 문의
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This study explores whether the narrative of Seopo Kim Man-jung's novel Guunmong contains a metaphor that guides King Sukjong to the path of enlightenment. In the literature, the title of Guunmong is used to mean a wide and wide peace of mind, which is similar to the state of mind, which is the condition of the transcendent beings, like the Taoist-gods. The basis for this is that the title of Guunmong itself can be seen as a metaphor created by Seopo. A man like the status of a king(Yang So-yu) is a superhuman hero character who explores the transcendent world. Yang So-yu, who is a Confucian scholar, is enlightened and grown in the stage of 修身齊家治國平天下. And he builds a happy family with a peaceful heart and creates a country with loyalty and discipline. This paper seeks to find the context in which the author sought to innovate social awareness through dreams along with Taoist ideas that were popular at the time. This study aims to be considered from an interdisciplinary perspective based on the Nozonbon, which is said to be the closest to the original Guunmong among many copies of Guunmong. This is not discussed based on the existing perspective, but I think it will contribute to the expansion of the research of Guunmong, which has increased in value due to the academic enthusiasm of prestigious scholars.

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이중곤(Lee, Junggon). (2023).초월적이고 화평한 신금(宸襟)을 생기하는『구운몽』에 관한 학제적 탐색. 국제문화연구, 16 (2), 121-153


이중곤(Lee, Junggon). "초월적이고 화평한 신금(宸襟)을 생기하는『구운몽』에 관한 학제적 탐색." 국제문화연구, 16.2(2023): 121-153

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