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델파이 분석을 통한 에듀테크 기반 통합적 문화예술 음악수업 프로그램 검증

이용수 90

Verification of Integrated Culture, Arts and Music Class Program based on Edutech through Delphi Analysis
조선대학교 국제문화연구원
김혜진(Kim, Hyejin)
간행물 정보
『국제문화연구』Vol.16 No.2, 77~103쪽, 전체 27쪽
인문학 > 기타인문학

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This study aims to present the direction of future-oriented music classes through the development of music class programs using Edutech, while suggesting implications for basic research for integrated classes with culture and arts education such as art and art The research method preliminarily selected the components of the class program through literature review and FGI, and Delphi analysis was conducted by forming a group of 26 experts. As a result of the study, a total of 17 indicators were derived: 3 in environmental analysis, 3 in the program planning stage, 6 in the program development stage, and 5 in the performance and feedback stage. As for the detailed management index, first, as for the management index of the environmental analysis stage, whether the 2022 revised music subject curriculum's in-curricular needs were reflected, the social demand situation outside the subject, and the class environment was considered. Second, as for the management index of the program planning stage, the development, operation, and application plan of the class were derived. Third, as for the management index of the program development stage, the composition, scope of application, the goal of the class, the content, method, and the appropriateness of evaluation were derived. Finally, the management indicators of the performance and feedback stage were derived from the stable maintenance of the class program, expected learning effect, satisfaction, appropriateness of evaluation items, and suitability of integrated class operation. Through this, the final Edutech-based integrated culture and arts music class program was designed. The Edutech-based integrated culture, arts, and music class program developed through this study can be applied to classes in elementary and secondary education sites, and can be applied and changed through new Edutech-based contents. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that the follow-up study will conduct a study to verify the effectiveness of the class program through case studies in both quantity and quality by applying the class program developed through this study to the field.

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김혜진(Kim, Hyejin). (2023).델파이 분석을 통한 에듀테크 기반 통합적 문화예술 음악수업 프로그램 검증. 국제문화연구, 16 (2), 77-103


김혜진(Kim, Hyejin). "델파이 분석을 통한 에듀테크 기반 통합적 문화예술 음악수업 프로그램 검증." 국제문화연구, 16.2(2023): 77-103

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