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한국어 문화교육을 위한 교수요목 체계 연구 –‘K-드라마’를 중심으로-

이용수 213

A study on the syllabus system for Korean cultural education -Focusing on ‘K-drama’-
조선대학교 국제문화연구원
최상옥(Choi, Sangok)
간행물 정보
『국제문화연구』Vol.16 No.2, 47~76쪽, 전체 30쪽
인문학 > 기타인문학

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‘K-culture’ has created communities of fandoms who learn Korean to better immerse themselves in Korean culture. ‘K-culture’, which includes the likes of K-pop and K-dramas, is one of the reasons why the demand for Korean language learners is increasing. These communities of fandoms are unlike past communities that were born out of curiosity. These new communities’ goals and needs for learning Korean are clear. These new Korean language students are prospective study abroad students, trainees and also prospective employees who hope to pursue jobs related to Korea and Korean culture after graduating. Accordingly for these learners who have already experienced ‘K-culture’, practical cultural education that reflects the learning purposes and needs of these individuals is needed. In existing Korean language textbooks, the role of cultural education is weak or fragmentary, which is insufficient to meet learners' goals and needs. Cultural education will help learners communicate better and achieve their learning goals, which is why cultural education must play an important role and why education methods must also change in accordance to learners’ goals and needs. Cultural education will help learners communicate better and achieve their learning goals, which is why cultural education must play an important role and why education methods must also change in accordance to learners’ goals and needs. Following the current cultural phenomenon, this paper aims to avoid supporting existing cultural education in favor of practical cultural education that is more applicable with current times. Thus a four-stage cultural education syllabus is presented. Focusing on an integrated listening and speaking education approach, ‘communicative competence’ and ‘cross-cultural communication competence’ are the forefronts. Each stage was structured to be organically connected following Jost Trier's Lexical Field-Theory. Through this paper's Korean cultural education syllabus system, we hope that Korean language learners will build their own Korean cultural information and achieve 'communicative competence' and 'cross-cultural communication competence', which are the final goals of Korean language education, through self-directed learning.

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최상옥(Choi, Sangok). (2023).한국어 문화교육을 위한 교수요목 체계 연구 –‘K-드라마’를 중심으로-. 국제문화연구, 16 (2), 47-76


최상옥(Choi, Sangok). "한국어 문화교육을 위한 교수요목 체계 연구 –‘K-드라마’를 중심으로-." 국제문화연구, 16.2(2023): 47-76

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