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‘대통령실 국민제안’ 활성화 방안

이용수 53

How to Revitalize ‘Office of the President National Proposal': Focusing on Revision of the Petition Act and Analysis of the ‘Blue House National Petition’
간행물 정보
『한국비교정부학보』제27권 제3호, 27~50쪽, 전체 24쪽
사회과학 > 행정학

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(Purpose) The current government has established ‘Office of the President National Proposal’ in response to the previous Moon Jae-in government’s ‘Blue House National Petition’ and has been operating since June 23, 2022. However, since its inception, there have been criticisms that it is difficult to form social consensus and public opinion and is less topical due to the current operating method, which restricts scalability, such as the government not implementing a response procedure if more than 200,000 cases are agreed. Therefore, this study aimed to prepare a revitalization plan for this. (Design/methodology/approach) In order to find ways to revitalize ‘Office of the President National Proposal’ through literature research and case analysis, this study examined the changes in the legal environment caused by the complete revision of the Petition Act and the current status of the electronic petition system at home and abroad, and identified the relationship and position of ‘Office of the President National Proposal’ in the legal system, and analyzed the operational problems and achievements of the previous Moon Jae-in government’s ‘Blue House National Petition’, the predecessor of ‘Office of the President National Proposal.’ (Findings) As a result of the study, four activation measures were proposed: “It is necessary to oblige the government to respond if a certain number of people agree”, “It is necessary to promote the integration of the electronic petition system between the government and the National Assembly as in the case of the United Kingdom”, “It is necessary to prepare a separate legal basis for ‘Office of the President National Proposal’”, and “It is necessary to examine the feasibility of processing the Petition 24 shortcut of ‘Office of the President National Proposal’”. (Research implications or Originality) Most of the research so far has been limited to analyzing problems and suggesting ways to improve the petition system, which has been codified since the enactment of the Petition Act in 1961, and the ‘Blue House National Petition’ of the Moon Jae-in government, which has now been closed. In particular, there has been no research on the newly established ‘Office of the President National Proposal’ following the inauguration of the current government, and there have been points of operational problems in recent years. Therefore, this study will be a timely study.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 검토
Ⅲ. 전자청원제도 분석
Ⅳ. ‘대통령실 국민제안’ 활성화 방안
Ⅴ. 결 론


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최웅선. (2023).‘대통령실 국민제안’ 활성화 방안. 한국비교정부학보, 27 (3), 27-50


최웅선. "‘대통령실 국민제안’ 활성화 방안." 한국비교정부학보, 27.3(2023): 27-50

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