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박동진 <심청가>의 전승 맥락과 중고제적 특징

이용수 6

Tradition Context and Junggoje : Park Dong-jin's Shimcheongga
간행물 정보
『판소리연구』제52집, 307~350쪽, 전체 44쪽
인문학 > 언어학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

서사적인 면에서 박동진의 <심청가>는 심봉사의 서사를 강화하고 심봉사의몰락과 회복의 과정을 중요한 축으로 설정하고 있다. 한편으로 운명론적 세계에맞서는 적극적인 심청을 형상화하고 있다. 사설이 풍부하고 극적 묘사가 매우뛰어나다. 박동진의 <심청가>는 개안초로 눈을 뜨는 환상적 결말을 지향하였으나 여러 맹인들과의 축제나 잔치가 축소되고, 교훈적인 사설로 마무리되고 있다는 점에서 보수적 세계관을 보여준다. 이러한 점은 중고제의 전통 속에서 전승된것이라 할 수 있다. 중고제적 전통과 박동진 특유의 사설을 통해 박동진 명창이중고제 <심청가>를 창의적이고 유연성있게 전승하였음도 확인할 수 있었다

영문 초록

The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of Junggoje school and the transmission context of Shimcheongga among Pansori by master singer Park Dong-jin. To this end, we first looked into information about Kim Chang-jin, the master of Park Dong-jin's master, his learning history, and his activities. Kim Chang-jin became a master singer of his time based on Kim Chang-ryong's Shimcheongga, but unfortunately, he passed away in Seocheon in his later years. Park Dong-jin handed down his Shimcheongga, and completed the first Shimcheongga in 1970, and performed the full part again at the Deep Rooted Tree appreciation party in 1976. Park Dong-jin's Shimcheongga has strong middle-class characteristics, and it can be confirmed that there are many parts that are very similar to those of Sim Jeong-soon, Kim Chang-ryong, and Heo Heung-sik. In terms of narrative, Park Dong-jin's Shimcheongga strengthens the narrative of Mr Shim(Shimcheong’s father) and sets the process of his downfall and recovery as an important axis. It embodies the active Shimcheong against the fatalistic world. The editorial is rich and the dramatic depiction is excellent. Park Dong-jin's Shimcheongga aims for a fantastic ending that awakens the eyes with plants that see again, but shows a conservative worldview in that festivals and feasts with various blind people are reduced in number and ended with a didactic editorial. This point can be said to have been handed down in the tradition of the middle class. It was also confirmed that the master singer Dong-jin Park transmitted Shimcheongga creatively and flexibly through the middle-class tradition and editorial peculiar to Park Dong-jin.


1. 머리말
2. 박동진 <심청가>의 전승 맥락
3. 박동진 <심청가>의 특징
4. 맺음말


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최혜진. (2021).박동진 <심청가>의 전승 맥락과 중고제적 특징. 판소리연구, (), 307-350


최혜진. "박동진 <심청가>의 전승 맥락과 중고제적 특징." 판소리연구, (2021): 307-350

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