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재일조선인 역사학자 박종명(朴鐘鳴)의 민족적인 인식

이용수 56

Ethnic Perception of Korean Historian Park Jong-myung(朴鐘鳴), Korean resident in Japan: Mainly on awareness of national education, literature and history
김인덕(In-Duck Kim)
간행물 정보
『세계역사와 문화연구』세계역사와 문화연구 제58집, 73~97쪽, 전체 25쪽
인문학 > 역사학

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이 논문은 재일조선인 역사학자 박종명(朴鐘鳴:1928-2018)의 민족교육관, 문학에 대한 인식, 고대 한일관계사 인식 등을 고찰함으로써 1.5세대 재일조선인 역사학자의 민족적 인식의 한 유형을 파악하고자 한 것이다. 민족교육가였던 박종명은, 민족교육에 대한 신중한 자세, 민족적 소양, 그리고 모국 정부가 해외에 있는 사람에 주목했다. 그의 이런 생각은 민족교육의 현장에서도 일관되었다. 이와 함께 문학적 소양을 갖고 있던 박종명은 김사량이 제국과 식민지, 조선인 지식인의 모습에 대해 적극적으로 서술하는데 긍정적이었다. 그리고 『빛 속으로』의 민족문학사적 존재적 가치를 인정했다. 또한 박종명은 한일관계사에 대한 통사적 인식을 하고 있었다. 여기에서 그는 삼국시대, 고려시대, 조선시대의 역사 속에서 한일관계의 한반도 주도성을 지속적으로 확인했다. 그리고 그는 전근대 우호 속 교류사를 통해 현재의 한일관계의 올바른 해결책을 찾아가는 것이 역사가 주는 교훈이라고 했다. 나아가 그는 역사적 사실에 대한 엄중함에 주목했다. 특히 고대 한일관계사와 한국과 일본 양국의 고대사 연구에서 그 관점은 유지되었다. 재일조선인의 역사와 문학은 새로운 세대에 의해 계승되었다. 1.5세대인 박종명은 이 사실을 잘 알고 있었다. 그는 재일조선인이 한국 사람(조선인)임을 잊지 않았다. 그는 민족이 있고, 민중이 있다고 생각했다.

영문 초록

This study examined by one historian’s ideas-Park Jong-myung (朴鐘鳴:1928-2018) who was Korean resident in Japan and also known as historian; view of national education, perception of literature, and perception of ancient Korea-Japan relations. Through this process, identified a type of ethnic awareness among historians who are the 1.5th generation of Korean resident in Japan. Park Jong-myung was a national educator. He clearly thought about national education for Korean resident in Japan. Park believed that the cautious attitude toward national education, knowledge, and the native government should pay attention to people abroad. Clearly, his ideas were consistent in the field of education. At the same time, Park Jong-myeong, who had literary skills, was positive for Kim Sa-ryang to actively describe the image of the empire, colonies, and Korean intellectuals. Park also recognized the literary and historical value of Into the Light. Park Jong-myung had a syntactic perception of the history of Korea-Japan relations. At the same time, he continuously confirmed the initiative of Korea-Japan relations in the history of the Three Kingdoms, Goryeo, and Joseon periods. He clearly stated that history is finding the right solution to the current Korea-Japan relationship through an exchange history in the former modern era. Furthermore, he always focused to the severity of historical facts. He was constantly involved in historical research. In particular, the view was maintained in the study of ancient Korea-Japan relations and ancient history. The history and literature of Korean resident in Japan were inherited by a new generation. The 1.5th generation Park Jong-myung was well aware of this fact. He did not forget that Korean resident in Japan are Koreans; there was a people and nation. Park Jong-myung s death shows his personality. He was a man who tried not to cause trouble to the people even if he died. Testament of his was that he wished to be cremated and scattered in east sea and words are not to alert persons for his death. That is who Park is. He expressed his active stance on issues related to Japan, national education, history and literature in various territories and he was at the scene. To the best of his health, he was with nation of Korean resident in Japan and Korean peninsula.


I. 서론
II. 연보와 저작
III. 박종명의 민족교육관과 문학에 대한 인식
IV. 박종명의 역사에 대한 인식
V. 결론


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김인덕(In-Duck Kim). (2021).재일조선인 역사학자 박종명(朴鐘鳴)의 민족적인 인식. 세계역사와 문화연구, 58 , 73-97


김인덕(In-Duck Kim). "재일조선인 역사학자 박종명(朴鐘鳴)의 민족적인 인식." 세계역사와 문화연구, 58.(2021): 73-97

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