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박정희 공업화 발전모델의 위기와 부마항쟁

이용수 321

Crisis of Park Jung-Hee’s Industrialization Development Model and Buma Struggle
서익진(Seo, Ick-Jin)
간행물 정보
『사회경제평론』 제62호, 135~178쪽, 전체 44쪽
경제경영 > 경제학

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국문 초록

이 글의 목적은 박정희 공업화 발전모델의 위기가 부마항쟁의 경제적 배경임을 밝히는 데 있다. 이를 위해 먼저 부마항쟁에 관한 기존연구들의 검토를 통해 부마항쟁이 학생과 민중 일반을 포괄하는 민중블록이 지배블록에대항해 일으킨 봉기로서 ‘민주민중항쟁’으로 규정하고, 박정희 경제개발 모델을 개발독재 공업화 발전모델로 규정한다. 이 발전모델의 성과(성장과 고용)는 대중독재론과 박정희 신드롬의 물적기반이 되기도 했지만, 그 내재적인 모순의 누적은 민중의 불만을 누적시켰다. 이는 만성 인플레이션 하에서의 물가 급등, 노동 착취의 강화와 정부의노동운동 탄압, 민중의 조세 부담 가중, 도시하층민의 증가와 방치(사회안전망 부재), 불로소득의 집중과 빈부격차 확대 등으로 나타났다. ‘선 성장 후분배’라는 약속은 1976~1977년의 대호황에도 불구하고 지켜지지 않았고, 오히려 방위세와 부가가치세가 민중의 조세부담을 급증시키고, 1979년 4월 경제 안정화 대책은 불황의 부담을 민중에게 전가시켰다. 민중의 누적된 불만은 분노로 폭발했고, 이들은 부마 지역에서 발생한 학생 주도의 민주화 시위에 대거 가담해 독재 타도는 물론 민중 생존권 보장도 요구하는 민중민주항쟁으로 발전시켰다.

영문 초록

The purpose of this article is to clarify that the crisis of Park Chung-hee s development model of industrialization forms the economic background of the Buma Struggle. First of all, from a review of existing studies on the Struggle, this can be definded as an uprising of the people bloc, including the students and the general public, against the bloc of domination, and its character as a “people’s democratic struggle.” We define the development model operated in the period covering the entire Park Chung-Hee era as one of developmental dictatorship for industrialization. Its mechanism of operation is analyzed from the perspective of the junction between the external and internal aspects. In addition, we emphasis that its achievements (in growth and in employment) give a physical foundations of popular dictatorship thesis and Park Chung Hee’s syndrome. Yet it is revealed that the accumulation of contradictions inherent in this development model provoked people s discontent and anger. In short, deepening the dependence of the national economy on the one hand resulted in foreign debt crisis, and on the other hand, various imbalances accumulated inside the national economy were accompanied with an accumulation of complaints of the people bloc. People were widely mobilized in the process of state-led industrialization, but they were excluded or relatively sacrificed in the process of distributing its fruits. It can be proved by many aspects such as soaring prices during a chronic inflation, reinforcement of labor exploitation and government suppression of labor movements, increasing tax burden, increasing urban lower class and its neglect (without the social safety network), concentration of unearned income and widening gap between the rich and the poor. However, the promise of growth first ideology was not kept even in the period of boom in 1976-1977. Rather, the defense tax and value-added tax increased the tax burden on people. The policy of economic stabilization, taken in April 1979, transferred the burden of recession upon people. The accumulated complaints of people turned to anger, and they finally joined the democratization protests led by students in the Buma region, which developed into a people s democratic protest that demanded the overthrow of dictatorship and the guarantee of survival rights.


I. 서론
II. 개발독재 (중화학)공업화 발전모델의 작동 메커니즘
III. 박정희 (중화학)공업화 발전모델의 모순
IV. 결론


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서익진(Seo, Ick-Jin). (2020).박정희 공업화 발전모델의 위기와 부마항쟁. 사회경제평론, 62 (2), 135-178


서익진(Seo, Ick-Jin). "박정희 공업화 발전모델의 위기와 부마항쟁." 사회경제평론, 62.2(2020): 135-178

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