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우왕 3년(1377) 정몽주(鄭夢周) 일본사행(使行)의 시대적 배경

이용수 195

The background of the dispatch of Cheong Mong-Ju(鄭夢周) to Japan in the year of 1377
이영(Yi young)
간행물 정보
『일본역사연구』일본역사연구 제46집, 97~123쪽, 전체 27쪽
인문학 > 역사학

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1:1 문의
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Korean and Japanese historians had an overall negative view of sending a diplomatic mission to Japan to solve the Waegu(Japanese Pirates) problem of the late Koryo dynasty(last half of the 14th century). Only the dispatch of Cheong Mong-Ju(鄭夢周) who was a famous scholar of neo-Confucian to Japan, was highly appreciated. But the appraisal about the achievement of the dispatch of Cheong Mong-Ju was not based on specific examination. It was rather based on his reputation. The negative appraisal of the achievement of the diplomatic negotiation of Koryo dynasty for the prohibition of Waegu’s invasion resulted from the awareness that despite of the several rounds of the dispatch of a diplomatic mission to Japan, there were no instant effect. However, the military and political situation of the Kyushu area(where Waegu took place) of that time wasn t so simple, to such an extent as to be exposed the effect immediately. The power of Nancho(南朝), which hold out against the Muromachi Bakuhu(室町幕府) had built a solid foundation in Kyushu. In such a situation, after Na Heong-Yu(羅興儒)’s return, who had been sent to Japan to negotiate to suppress the Waegu’s invasion in the year of 1375. Despite the effort, Waegu invaded more frequently and on a larger scale, which led Koryo to send An Gil -Sang to Japan to protest once more. Then, Kyushu Tandai(九州探題) Imagawa Ryosyun(今川了俊) of Muromachi Bakuhu sent his subordinate Sinko(信弘) to explain the reasons of Waegu’s constant invasion. Koryo was satisfied about his explanation and decided the dispatch of Cheong Mong-Ju(鄭夢周) to Japan. The diplomatic dispatch of Cheong Mong-Ju to Japan was highly appreciated only by his personal achievement. However, it was actually on a foundation that Na Heong -Yu and An Gil-Sang had accomplished.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행 연구의 검토
Ⅲ. 나 흥유 귀국 이후 안 길상 파견까지의 대외 정세
Ⅳ. 안 길상 파견 이후 정 몽주의 파견까지의 대외 정세
Ⅴ. 결론


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이영(Yi young). (2017).우왕 3년(1377) 정몽주(鄭夢周) 일본사행(使行)의 시대적 배경. 일본역사연구, 46 , 97-123


이영(Yi young). "우왕 3년(1377) 정몽주(鄭夢周) 일본사행(使行)의 시대적 배경." 일본역사연구, 46.(2017): 97-123

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