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외식사업 경영자의 경영마인드 분석

이용수 390

An Analysis of the Management Mind of Managers in the Foodservice Industry
김두라(Doo Ra Kim)
간행물 정보
『외식경영연구』3권 1호, 23~35쪽, 전체 12쪽
경제경영 > 경영학

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This study was intended to analyze the career consciousness and business management of foodservice business managers. As a result, the following findings were obtained: As for the method of opening the foodservice store as the part of career consciousness, most of the respondents showed that they themselves planned and established the business item. Seeing that the proportion of satisfaction for and worry about the present situation of business based on sales was almost similar, the phenomenon of polarization was continuing. As for career, 83.8% of the respondents were satisfied and had the bright vision of the prospect for business in expectation that they would run the expanded store in the future than they did at present. The respondents with the longer period of service took greater pride on their foodservice business and wanted to hand it over to their children as the family occupation. They cited the attractive advantage of foodservice business that can be run on the manager's will. As for the prospect for foodservice business, many respondents thought that the law of survival of the fittest would prevail and only the competitive store would survive as competition become more intense. They thought that the highest priority should be given to differentiated marketing to survive the competitive environment. As for business management, they thought of taste and service as the most important factors in restaurant management and employee management (manpower shortage) as the most difficult factor in the process of business management.. As for the recipe for the successful restaurant, taste and service were regarded as the important and essential factors because they scored the first. It was found that the greatest investment made in the process of business operation was in facility and interior decoration rather than employee education and product R &D. This directly indicates the form of management that foodservice managers attached importance to external appearance. Management information was the method most used in benchmarking, and the internal education of the store was most used as employee education. It was found that foodservice business reinforced employee welfare and mostly introduced economic guarantee for employees as the scheme to prevent their turnover and promote their long service. As shown above, it was found that foodservice business managers took pride on their career and much expected their business to be successful. They were conscious that the manager s own efforts along with a shift in social thinking was an important factor for the successful business. And they thought it important to be most faithful to the basic part of foodservice business such as taste and service. It was found that they were making efforts to introduce effective business management techniques through human, material and information resource planning and its implementation.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 외식사업 경영관리의 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 조사설계 및 분석결과
Ⅳ. 결론


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김두라(Doo Ra Kim). (2000).외식사업 경영자의 경영마인드 분석. 외식경영연구, 3 (1), 23-35


김두라(Doo Ra Kim). "외식사업 경영자의 경영마인드 분석." 외식경영연구, 3.1(2000): 23-35

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