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제2차 세계대전과 루마니아

이용수 391

The World War II and Romania
박정오(Jeong-O Park)
간행물 정보
『동유럽발칸학』동유럽발칸학 제2권 제1호, 221~258쪽, 전체 38쪽
사회과학 > 지역학

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Comparing with the World War I , the second World War was fought in a wider scale all over the world. The battles in the war spread across all parts of the world including the freezing Aleutians archipelago , Russia's step region , New-Guinea's jungle as well as Sahara desert. In a word , being such an unprecedented total war in world history. far more dreadful weaponeries were employed in World War II than World War I and the more destructions were made on world civilization. Immediately after the World War II broke out. presuming that France and England would win. Romania declared neutrality and delayed the supply of raw materials to Germany. However. losing it's ally subsequent to France's fal l. Romania was isolated between Germany and Russia. Based on the ‘Germany-Russia treaty'. Stalin annexated Basarabia, and at the pressure from Hitler , made Cadrilater located on the southern part of Dobragea transfered to Bulgaria. After France's fall , Carol believed that the only way to safeguard his throne as well as his regime and at the same time restore the border line of Romania was to approach Germany and adopt the kind of policies that might attract Hitler's interest. So he dismissed the pro-West Premier Tatarescu and appointed pro-Germany 1. Gigurtu as new Premier and also appointed the menbers of Iron Guard on the main posts who were previously mal-treated with contempt by Carol due to the pro-West policy prevailed till then. However , Berlin was watching him with full of suspicion. the proof of which was the 'Wien Dictate' , Subsequently, Romania had to hand over the nothern and western part of Transilvania to Hungary. Under this circumstances. Romanians dissented against Carol. and General Antonescu took over the power. Throughout the long Romanian history. Carol's establishment of autocracy and alliance with the menbers of Iron Guard would remain as a negative aspect. However, Carol implemented various policies to retain border line of Romania which had been retrieved after World War 1. General Antonescu did the same. However. it is never easy to appraise him in a word properly and it is also true that there are still so many unanswered questions upon him. Nobody denies his patriotism , nor does anybody deny that he endeavored various efforts to rescue Romania during the crisis after 1940. and to recover Romania's territory taken by neighboring countries. However , he attempted to solve the Jewish problems , which none of the then Romanian politicians would have dealt with. in a way like the Germany did where - for example. Antonescu mobilised his army and surrounded Ia원to seek for the Jewish people. Of course , it is true that he was the one who strongly opposed against German pressure to apply Hitler's “final solution" to Romania whereby saved so many lives of Jewish people. As a matter of fact , without Antonescu. many more Jewish people would have been victimized over this period. In the summer of 1942. Germany Representative to Buchresti. G. Richter. having had the permission from Antonescu Government. could have taken all the Jewish people in Romania to Auschwitz Conceration. However. Antonescu cancelled this plan accepting the overture from King Mihai. his mother. Maniu and the Romanian Otodox. In fact. there are many contradictory aspects in Antonescu's policies concerning Jewish issues since 1940. which makes it difficult to understand the overall situation more clearly. At first. General Antonescu ordered to close down Jewish church. but in 1940 he withdrew this order and permitted the freedom of religions. In september 1940 , he introduced a regulation to put yellow star marks on Jewish people accepting recommendation from Richter. but this was also removed at the dissent of the patriarch Nicodim. By the end of 1942.


1. 머리말
2. 제2차 세계대전 이전의 루마니아 상황
3. 제2차 세계대전과 루마니아
4. 맺는말


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박정오(Jeong-O Park). (2000).제2차 세계대전과 루마니아. 동유럽발칸학, 2 (1), 221-258


박정오(Jeong-O Park). "제2차 세계대전과 루마니아." 동유럽발칸학, 2.1(2000): 221-258

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