곤재 정개청의 교육활동과 교육론
이용수 152
- 영문명
- The Thoughts and Activities of Jeong Gacheong : A Case Study of Hyangkyo Teacher in the 16th Century
- 발행기관
- 한국교육사상학회 (구 한국교육사상연구회)
- 저자명
- 지정민(Chi,Jeong-Min) 우용제(Woo,Yong-Je)
- 간행물 정보
- 『교육사상연구』교육사상연구 제23권 제3호, 393~416쪽, 전체 24쪽
- 주제분류
- 사회과학 > 교육학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2009.12.30
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국문 초록
본 연구는 곤재 정개청의 교사로서의 행적을 교육활동과 교육론으로 구분하여 고찰하였다.
교육활동의 면에서 정개청은 초학절요의 저술,강의계의 결성,선운사에서의 강학 등 전라도의 은거지사로서 이름을 떨쳤다.그러한 명성을 바탕으로 그는 1582년에 나주향교의 훈도로 천거되었다.훈도로 재임하면서 그는 항시적으로 강회를 열고 수수기를 작성하였으며 교학절목을 준행하는 등의 노력을 기울였다.교육론의 면에서 정개청은 진정한 교육은 도문학과 존덕성의 조화를 통해 가능하다고 주장하였다.그는 향교 생활 전반을 엄격한 예제로 규제함으로써,도문학이 성공하기 위한 기반으로서의 존덕성을 강조하였다.정개청의 행적은,자료의 한계에도 불구하고,16세기말 향교 교관의 하나의 특수한 사례를 보여준다.
영문 초록
This study investigates the thoughts and activities ofJeong Gacheong as a teacher of Hyangkyo in the 16th century.Jeong Gacheong was recommend as a Hundo(訓導)of the Naju Hyangkyo(羅州鄕校)by alocalminister based upon his a cademic excellence and experiences of teaching. Before he was recommended, he had already wrote Chohak-Jeolyo(初學切要),and played major role in the work shop organized by the local government in 1581. Through these activities,Jeong Gacheong was considered as ‘top leader ofConfucianism’in the Honam(湖南) region.Being a teacher of the Naju Hyangkyo from 1582-1583,he made great efforts to teach students:he wrote a reference book named Susugi(隨手記),he established a strict regulations and rituals in Hangkyo,hele this old disciples lead
other students,and some time he physically punished students who were not to go to Hangkyo.By his passionate contribution,Naju Hyangkyo flourished in his time, buton the other hand the conflicts between him and local groups who despised Hangkyo eventuallyled him to be exiled in 1590.
Beyond this activities as a teacher,Jeong Gacheong the orized ideal relationships between the nourishing morality(尊德性) and the inquiring knowledge(道問學).For him,the ideal relationship of the two constructs the very core ofeducational theory and even Confucianism it self.According to Jeong Gacheong,the nourishing morality is the aim of the inquiring knowledge,and to accomplish this aim,the inquiring knowledge,again,needs the help of the nourishing morality.The strict and complicated rituals in Naju Hangkyo reflects the role of ‘the nourishing morality outside of the inquiring knowledge’.They are justified by the circular
relationships between the nourishing morality and the inquiring knowledge.
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