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초등학교 수학영재, 과학영재, 일반 학생의 학습유형 및 교수방법 선호도 비교

이용수 1045

The Comparison of General Students, and the Mathematics Gifted, and the Science Gifted in Learning Style and Preference of Instructional Methods
이신동(Lee Shin Dong) 원재권(Won Jae Gourn) 김기명(Kim Ki Myoung)
간행물 정보
『영재와 영재교육』제6권 제2호, 107~128쪽, 전체 22쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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1:1 문의
논문 표지

국문 초록

  본 연구는 Kolb의 4가지 학습유형에 따라 초등학교 수학영재, 과학영재, 일반 학생의 학습유형을 비교해 보고, 학습유형에 따라 교수방법 선호도가 어떻게 달라지는지 확인하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 지역교육청 2곳의 영재교육원 초등학교 수학ㆍ과학영재 학생 각60명, 일반 학생은 초등학교 2곳의 6학년 120명 총 240명을 연구 대상으로 하였으며, 이들의 학습유형검사ㆍ교수방법선호도 검사의 자료를 수집ㆍ분석하였다. 검사도구로는 Kolb(1999)의 학습유형검사(LSI), Renzulli, Rizza, & Smith(2002)의 교수방법 선호도 측정 검사지를 활용하였다. 본 연구의 결과 수학영재 학생과 과학영재학생의 학습유형은 차이가 없었으나 영재학생과 일반학생의 학습유형에는 차이가 있었으며, 동화적 학습자 유형을 제외한 발산적 학습자, 수렴적 학습자, 조절적 학습자 유형은 고유하게 선호하는 교수방법들을 가지고 있었다. 또한 수학영재 학생과 일반학생은 학습유형에 따른 교수방법 선호도에 차이가 없었으나, 과학영재 학생은 학습유형에 따fms 교수방법 선호도가 다르게 나타났다. 이런 결과는 영재학생과 일반학생의 학습유형이 서로 다르고 그에 따른 교수방법도 다르다는 것을 나타낸다. 따라서 교실수업을 담당하는 교사들은 학생들의 학습유형에 맞는 교수방법을 제공하여 교수적합성을 달성함과 동시에 교수 효과를 극대화하기 위해서 각각의 학습유형과 교수방법에 대한 충분한 이해가 선행되어야 할 것이다.

영문 초록

  The purpose of this study is to compare the learning styles of the mathematics gifted, the science gifted, and general students at elementary schools by Kolb"s four learning styles, and ascertain how the preference of instructional methods become different by learning style.
  To achieve the purpose in this study, the four propositions were set as follows:
  First, what differences exist among the mathematics gifted, the science gifted and general students in terms of learning style?
  Second, what differences exist in terms of the preference of instructional methods by learning style among the mathematics gifted, the science gifted, and general students?
  To solve the abovementioned propositions, this study targeted 60 elementary school-level mathematics gifted students, 60 science gifted students at gifted students education institutes, and 120 six graders at Elementary School: this study targeted a total of 240 students.
  For the learning style test used in this study, "Learning Style Inventory (LSI)," which originally presented by Kolb in 1976, but was revised anew in 1999, and was translated by Lee, Shin-dong (2005), was used. As a test to measure the preference of instructional methods, "Measure of Student Preference for Instructional Techniques," developed by Renzulli, Rizza, and Smith (2002), and translated by Lee Shin-dong (2005) was used. The confidence levels of the tests were good, respectively.
  The analysis of the collected test responses was tested through a confidence analysis, technical statistics, MANOVA, and Sheffe test was used for follow up test. The SPSS 12.0 Program was used for the analysis.
  The analytical results of the collected data are presented as follows:
  Firstly, there was no difference in the learning style of the mathematics gifted and the science gifted, but there was difference in the learning style of the gifted and general students.
  Secondly, it was identified that divergent learners, convergent learners, regulated learners, except for assimilative learners, had their preferred instructional methods.
  Thirdly, there was no difference in the preference of instructional methods by learning style and gender between the mathematics gifted and general students. The science gifted students had different preference of instructional methods by learning style, but they did not show any difference on the preference of instructional methods by gender.
  In conclusion, the divergent learners and convergent learners are judged to be more active in learning activities and have higher learning motivation. Teachers taking charge of classroom teaching should provide instructional methods in line with such learning styles so as to achieve the adequacy of instruction, and draw maximum instructional effects. Those teachers also need to pay more attention to enhancing learning motivation of the relatively passive regulated learners and assimilative learners.


Ⅰ. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 해석
Ⅴ. 논의 및 결론


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이신동(Lee Shin Dong),원재권(Won Jae Gourn),김기명(Kim Ki Myoung). (2007).초등학교 수학영재, 과학영재, 일반 학생의 학습유형 및 교수방법 선호도 비교. 영재와 영재교육, 6 (2), 107-128


이신동(Lee Shin Dong),원재권(Won Jae Gourn),김기명(Kim Ki Myoung). "초등학교 수학영재, 과학영재, 일반 학생의 학습유형 및 교수방법 선호도 비교." 영재와 영재교육, 6.2(2007): 107-128

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