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『유가사지론』에 나타난 유가사와 작의수행의 관계

이용수 2

The Relation between Yogacara and Manas-kara in Yogacarabhumi-sastra
강명희(Kang Myung-hee)
간행물 정보
『명상심리상담(구 명상치료연구)』제15권, 21~31쪽, 전체 11쪽
사회과학 > 심리학

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1:1 문의
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Introduction: Yogacarabhumi-sastra (瑜伽師地論) is the treatise text (sastra) that theorizes systematically strange phenomenons in practice process, and methods, processes, and effects of practice. A yogacara (瑜伽師) who practices yoga explains methods and phenomenons of practice by manas-kara (作意) which is written in detail under 19 topics in pudgala-bhumi (數取趣地) of yoga-bhumi (瑜伽地). The 19 topics explains methods and processes of a yogacaras practice, and are all related with manas-kara. Body: This paper considers many forms and processes of practice related with a yogacaras manas-kara explained in sravaka-bhumi (聲聞地) of Yogacarabhumi-sastra. And to conclude, we can understand that `yoga (瑜伽)` is the practice of sraddha (信), chanda (欲), virya (精進) and upaya (方便). A yogacara is an ascetic who practices manas-kara directly, and there are three kinds of yogacaras in Yogacarabhumi-sastra. A yogacara who practices to remove bad karmas for the first time practices with form(相)s in his consciousness, at that time, his manas-kara is not perfect. A yogacara who make himself master of manas-kara enters alambana-nimitta (所緣相) deeply with five manas-karas for profound and mysterious wisdoms of vijnapti- matra. In a yogacara who is beyond manas-kara, the action of his manas-kara is changed to anabhoga (無功用), and he gains the abhisa-maya (現觀) and gets to be able to practice samatha and vipasyana justly in the truth of the Middle Way. Yogacarabhumi-sastra stresses the manas-kara more than any other Buddhist texts, and the manas-kara is written in it as the intention that enters into alambana very well, and then catches and removes the mind covered with klesas of several levels. Conclusion: The manas-kara related with a yogacara is the intention that overcomes the panca-nivarana (五蓋;the exposed klesas) and the anusaya-klesa (隨眠煩惱;the potential klesas), and then enlightens the pure mind to an ascetic. The manas-kara of a yogacara is related with the adhimoksa (勝解) which cultivates the action of the mind to the alambana-nimitta, and with nine kinds of prayoga (加行)s which are included in the sukla-paksa (白品).


I. 들어가는 말
II. 「성문지」의 유가사와 작의수행
III. 나가는 말


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강명희(Kang Myung-hee). (2016).『유가사지론』에 나타난 유가사와 작의수행의 관계. 명상심리상담(구 명상치료연구), (), 21-31


강명희(Kang Myung-hee). "『유가사지론』에 나타난 유가사와 작의수행의 관계." 명상심리상담(구 명상치료연구), (2016): 21-31

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