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윤동주 시편의 예술적 감동의 원천에 관한 고찰

이용수 61

A Study on the Sources of the Aesthetic Pleasure in Dong Ju Youn’s Poems
김경승 이병욱 이수일
간행물 정보
『신경정신의학』제31권 제4호, 785~800쪽, 전체 16쪽
의약학 > 정신과학

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The authors studied the sources of aesthetic pleasure in Dong Ju Yun’s poems within the frame of reference of ego psychology. According to the theories, art was the most sublime problem-solving activity of the artist’s intrapsychic conflict and the aesthetic pleasure were derived from (1) the expression of the artist s frustrated wishes and their vicarious gratifications, (2) the successful defense, control and masteiy of the prohibited unconscious wish, (3) the removal of repression or inhibition by the good form, (4) the maintenence of the coherence, the sameness and continuity of the artists self through the perfect form and (5) the awareness of truth about the human being. Of the above, (1) and (2) were connected with the content while (3) and (4) with the form of the artistic work. And (5) was achieved through the beautiful synthesis of content and form. The author concluded that the intrapsychic conflicts of Yun had had its origin in the contradictory forces of his unresolved dependency need and harsh superego, and that the aesthetic pleasure dervied from his poems was provided not only with the expression and vicarious gratification of his unresolved dependency need which was accompanied by the catharsis of feeling of loss, self-derogation, guilt and seperation anxiety, but also with the successful defense and mastery of his dependency need which was peformmed by the clear recognition of acceptance of and participation into the real world Another source was derived from the inner order, balance and harmony with which the above contents were arranged.


서 론
정신의학적 예술론의 검토
윤동주 시의 예술적 감동에 관한 고찰
결 론


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김경승,이병욱,이수일. (1992).윤동주 시편의 예술적 감동의 원천에 관한 고찰. 신경정신의학, 31 (4), 785-800


김경승,이병욱,이수일. "윤동주 시편의 예술적 감동의 원천에 관한 고찰." 신경정신의학, 31.4(1992): 785-800

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