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한국교과서의 타문화 왜곡 : 이슬람권을 중심으로

이용수 101

간행물 정보
『한국중동학회논총』제22권 제1호, 81~101쪽, 전체 21쪽
사회과학 > 지역학

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『social science Ⅰ』of the korean middle school is the first textbook to touch other cultures and other peoples of the world. in this sense, the importance of 『social science Ⅰ』textbook is tremendous, because the islamic knowledge which korean children learnt from the textbooks might continue life long. thus, this paper mainly focused on the middle school textbooks to correct and give the most desirable guidance. from the beginning to the 6th revised edition(1995-2000), the middle school textbook have been prepared by the ministry of education. the ministry invited islamic specialists to the 6th textbook committee. all the distorted expression and wrong information on islam and islamic culture became minimized in the 6th revised edition. the pictures of prophet muhammad which desecrate islamic basic principles, were eliminated. negative ideas on islam were changed to objective ways. as far as i know, the 6th revised textbook was regarded as the best one comparing with previous ones. however, from the year 2001(the 7th revised edition), all the middle school students begin to learn new textbooks designed not by the ministry of education, but freely written by so many authors. this time, no islamic specialist included in the screening committee. the results was anxious situation. analysing 6 kinds of new edition of middle school and 9 kinds of high school textbooks, the results clearly tells us that distortion and ignorance on islam and islamic world described in the korean textbooks are serious. the various miniature pictures of caricature of prophet muhammad appeared in the most of textbooks for the middle schools and high schools. in the many parts, the conception of tawhid is dangerously distorted. they described "allah" not as god but as god(알라신 : literally means allah god). in addition, we can find so many mistakes and wrong information on islam and islamic world. some examples are here. therefore, it's very urgent to prepare the most reliable a model textbook on islam and islamic culture and islamic world based on objective ways to persuade the education ministry and authors of publication companies. without righteous understanding on islamic world and its culture with 1.3 billion population, the globalization of korea might be eventually limited to the half.

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이회수. (2001).한국교과서의 타문화 왜곡 : 이슬람권을 중심으로. 한국중동학회논총, 22 (1), 81-101


이회수. "한국교과서의 타문화 왜곡 : 이슬람권을 중심으로." 한국중동학회논총, 22.1(2001): 81-101

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