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Policy Implications of the Effectiveness of Leisure Activity Programs for Older Adults with Disabilities through Evidence-Based Policy (EBP) Utilizing Field-Centered Living Lab

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박소임(So Im Park)
간행물 정보
『한국비교정부학보』제28권 제4호, 175~202쪽, 전체 28쪽
사회과학 > 행정학

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국문 초록

(Purpose) The purpose of this study was to analyze the results of a cognitive enhancement program for older adults with disabilities using a field-centered Living Lab approach based on evidence-based policy. It aims to propose new directions for institutional foundations and policy infrastructure related to Living Labs and provide final recommendations for development through practical case analysis. (Design/Methodology) This study was designed to propose new institutional improvements and suggestions through the development of evidence-based policies based on field-centered Living Lab cases. To address the field cases of intermediary organizations, representative examples of field-centered Living Labs were selected. The study focused on elderly individuals aged 65 and over with disabilities who lived in S, Gyeonggi Province, and attended senior welfare centers, with a focus on those selected by institutions as having mild cognitive impairment. The case analysis results were derived from these participants. Additionally, a quantitative and qualitative evaluation tailored to the characteristics of elderly individuals with disabilities was conducted through expert consultations, followed by a satisfaction survey after a certain period. Finally, recommendations were derived based on expert consultations within the governance framework of the intermediary organization. (Findings) In the process of utilizing evidence-based policy to transform field-based Living Lab cases into policy, a significant difference was found from the typical policy-making process, particularly in the selection of the field and the overall Living Lab process. The execution plan for the intermediary governance model, considering pre-planning and diffusion models, greatly impacted the results of the study. Therefore, in this study, the case of elderly individuals with disabilities and mild cognitive impairment in a senior welfare center in S, Gyeonggi Province, was analyzed for the dementia prevention effects of new ICT devices, broken down by dementia stages. The pre- and post-program effects were verified, and feedback from the institution, which had implemented the Living Lab within the system for three years, was used to finalize the policy application process. The study found that elderly individuals utilizing the welfare center showed significant improvements in mental state after participating in the cognitive enhancement program, along with reductions in body fat percentage and blood pressure. Notably, mental state and memory decline showed significant differences based on age and health status, with female seniors exhibiting higher mental states. Furthermore, after the 10-week short-term program, subjective well-being scores, feelings of depression and anxiety, and subjective memory decline (SMOQ) improved, indicating a significant enhancement in mental state. Based on these findings, the study proposed directions for activating future Living Lab research and policy development based on evidence-based policies to improve cognitive function in elderly individuals using the S senior welfare center. (Research Implications or Originality) The empirical results of field-based Living Labs for solving various social problems, ranging from technological development to public policy, budget formulation, and future advancement, are essential for policy implementation based on intermediary organizations and public suggestions. This study highlights significant implications for developing new methods and future directions for policy-making processes that can rapidly adapt to the changing times, similar to international policy-making processes. Additionally, it emphasizes the need for preventive program development and support through various cognitive enhancement programs, regular dementia prevention education, early screening tests, and continued treatment after an initial dementia diagnosis.

영문 초록


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Discussion
Ⅲ. Research Analysis
Ⅳ. Research Results
Ⅴ. Conclusion


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박소임(So Im Park). (2024).Policy Implications of the Effectiveness of Leisure Activity Programs for Older Adults with Disabilities through Evidence-Based Policy (EBP) Utilizing Field-Centered Living Lab. 한국비교정부학보, 28 (4), 175-202


박소임(So Im Park). "Policy Implications of the Effectiveness of Leisure Activity Programs for Older Adults with Disabilities through Evidence-Based Policy (EBP) Utilizing Field-Centered Living Lab." 한국비교정부학보, 28.4(2024): 175-202

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