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A Comparative Study of Major Countries to Strengthen Public Health Crisis Response System: Focusing on United State, Canada, and Germany

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주효진(Hyo Jin Ju) 한아름(Areum Han) 박경진(Kyung Jin Park) 최희용(Hee Yong Choi)
간행물 정보
『한국비교정부학보』제28권 제4호, 155~174쪽, 전체 20쪽
사회과학 > 행정학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

(Purpose) The purpose of this study was to strengthen South Korea’s public health crisis response system by conducting a comparative analysis of public health strategies adopted by the United States, Germany, and Canada. We identified key success factors, including evidence-based decision-making, digital technology integration, and central-regional collaboration, to propose actionable recommendations for Korea’s public health preparedness. (Methodology) We employed a mixed-methods approach, combining a literature review, case studies, and focus group interviews (FGI) with public health experts. These methodologies were used to analyze South Korea's system limitations and derive lessons from international best practices. (Findings) The findings highlighted critical deficiencies in South Korea's public health system, such as insufficient real-time data infrastructure, weak central-regional coordination, and limited transparency in decision-making. Comparative analysis revealed how the United States implemented data-driven vaccination programs, Germany utilized predictive modeling with federal-state cooperation, and Canada employed community-centered approaches with digital technologies. These insights underscored the importance of tailoring global strategies to Korea’s context. (Research implications) This study provides a strategic framework for enhancing South Korea’s public health crisis response capacity. Recommendations include establishing integrated data platforms, fostering evidence-based governance, and improving international collaboration. The study contributes to advancing policy-making and system design for future public health emergencies.

영문 초록


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Background
Ⅲ. Methodology
Ⅳ. Findings and Discussion
Ⅴ. Conclusion and Implications


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주효진(Hyo Jin Ju),한아름(Areum Han),박경진(Kyung Jin Park),최희용(Hee Yong Choi). (2024).A Comparative Study of Major Countries to Strengthen Public Health Crisis Response System: Focusing on United State, Canada, and Germany. 한국비교정부학보, 28 (4), 155-174


주효진(Hyo Jin Ju),한아름(Areum Han),박경진(Kyung Jin Park),최희용(Hee Yong Choi). "A Comparative Study of Major Countries to Strengthen Public Health Crisis Response System: Focusing on United State, Canada, and Germany." 한국비교정부학보, 28.4(2024): 155-174

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