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재일조선인 연구자 쓰카사키 마사유키(塚崎昌 之)의 재판조선인(在阪朝鮮人) 연구의 의의

이용수 4

The Significance of Tsukasaki Masayuki's Study of Koreans in Osaka
지영임(Young-Im Chi)
간행물 정보
『韓日民族問題硏究』제47집, 5~35쪽, 전체 31쪽
인문학 > 역사학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

As the first generation of Zainichi Koreans in Japan gradually diminishes over time, the excavation of records related to their migration and settlement in Japan has become increasingly significant. Osaka, in particular, holds great importance, as it was the place where the first generation of Zainichi Koreans most heavily settled during their migration, and it remains the area with the highest proportion of Zainichi Koreans today. Tsukasaki has documented the traces of Zainichi Koreans, focusing on their migration and settlement in Osaka during the pre-war period, as well as their situation up to the present. This paper examines the significance of Tsukasaki’s research on Zainichi Koreans in Osaka through the study of their residential patterns, religious life, the Osaka air raids, and forced deportations. Tsukasaki pays particular attention to the changes in responses from the administrative authorities and Zainichi Koreans regarding housing issues in Osaka. In the early 1930s, there was a movement of Koreans and Japanese to cooperate in order to prevent housing problems, thereby alleviating the housing shortage. However, after 1934, as Japan prepared for war, the police forces took a more active role, leading to the forced demolition of Zainichi Koreans’ homes. As for religious life, Joseon-temple and Yongwanggung were reviewed as places of religious life for the first generation of Korean women in Japan The religious practices of these women have not been widely studied, either in Korea or Japan. Tsukasaki analyzes the religious role of Zainichi Joseon women who experienced dual forms of oppression while experiencing both national and gender discrimination through research on Joseon temples and the Yongwang-gung. While shamanistic practices were carried out at Joseon-temple, Tsukasaki reveals how these practices were repressed yet have managed to survive to this day. Regarding the Osaka air raids and forced deportations of Zainichi Koreans, Tsukasaki has uncovered documents and oral testimonies from victims of the raids, recording and commemorating the experiences of Zainichi Koreans during that time. In order to overcome the limitations of primary sources from the Osaka area, Tsukasaki supplemented his research with fieldwork, interviews, and oral histories. As a result, Tsukasaki’s research serves as both evidence of Zainichi Koreans’ presence in Osaka and a restoration of historical records. His work will become a valuable resource in filling the gaps in the research on the history of Zainichi Koreans’ daily lives.

영문 초록



Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 오사카 재일조선인의 이주와 정주에 관한 선행연구
Ⅲ. 오사카 재일조선인의 정주와 주택문제
Ⅳ. 오사카 재일조선인의 종교생활
Ⅴ. 오사카 재일조선인의 오사카공습과 강제연행
Ⅵ. 맺음말


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지영임(Young-Im Chi). (2024).재일조선인 연구자 쓰카사키 마사유키(塚崎昌 之)의 재판조선인(在阪朝鮮人) 연구의 의의. 韓日民族問題硏究, (), 5-35


지영임(Young-Im Chi). "재일조선인 연구자 쓰카사키 마사유키(塚崎昌 之)의 재판조선인(在阪朝鮮人) 연구의 의의." 韓日民族問題硏究, (2024): 5-35

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