안토시아닌 함유 얼룩찰옥수수 ‘미현찰’
이용수 3
- 영문명
- Anthocyanin-containing Bicolor Waxy Corn, ‘Mihyeonchal’
- 발행기관
- 한국육종학회
- 저자명
- 한정헌(JeongHeon Han) 류시환(SiHwan Ryu) 최재근(JaeKeun Choi) 김희연(Hee Yeon Kim) 김문종(Moonjong Kim) 용우식(Woosik Yong) 남궁민(Min Namgung) 박기진(Kijin Park)
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국육종학회지』Vol.56 No.4, 533~539쪽, 전체 7쪽
- 주제분류
- 농수해양 > 기타농수해양
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.12.01
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국문 초록
Here, we report on the development of a high-quality, bicolor waxy corn, ‘Mihyeonchal’, containing anthocyanin. ‘Mihyeonchal’ was produced by crossing the two inbred lines, HW18 as the seed parent and HW19 as the pollen parent. The hybrid was made in 2016 and has been evaluated for three years in Hongcheon, Yeoncheon, Cheongju, Daegu, Jinju, and Suwon in Korea since 2017. The days to silking of ‘Mihyeonchal’ was 72 days, which was three days earlier than that of the standard variety, ‘Ilmichal’. The number and weight of fresh ears of ‘Mihyeonchal’ were 112% and 96%, respectively, compared to those of ‘Ilmichal’, and the anthocyanin content was 76.8 mg/kg, which was higher than that of ‘Ilmichal’. The lodging index was 1.9, which was weaker than that of ‘Ilmichal’, but its resistance to insects and diseases was stronger than that of ‘Ilmichal’, confirming the cultivation stability of ‘Mihyeonchal’. As a result of regional yield trials that had been conducted for three years, we confirmed that ‘Mihyeonchal’ could be cultivated in all regions in Korea and was an excellence variety. The plant variety protection right of ‘Mihyeonchal’ was registered in April 2024, and its grant number is 10127.
영문 초록
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