한해와 도복에 강한 조생 사료용 트리티케일 ‘신조성’
이용수 7
- 영문명
- Early Maturing, Winter-hardy, Lodging-resistant, and High-yielding Forage Triticale Cultivar, ‘Shinjoseong’
- 발행기관
- 한국육종학회
- 저자명
- 구자환(Ja-Hwan Ku) 라경윤(Kyung-Yoon Ra) 김근하(Keun-Ha Kim) 박명렬(Myoung Ryoul Park) 김정주(Jeong-Ju Kim) 김수정(Su-Jeong Kim) 이병규(Byoung-Kyu Lee) 박종호(Jong-Ho Park) 한옥규(Ouk-Kyu Han)
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국육종학회지』Vol.56 No.4, 523~532쪽, 전체 10쪽
- 주제분류
- 농수해양 > 기타농수해양
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.12.01
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국문 초록
The x Triticosecale Wittmack ‘Shinjoseong’ variety was developed for use as a whole-crop silage obtained from a cross between CTSS93Y00058S-5Y-0Y-0B with early heading, lodging, and resistance to barley yellow mosaic virus and Suwon24 with winter- hardy and lodging-resistance traits by the National Institute of Crop Science (Wanju, Korea) in 2019. Shinjoseong has medium-sized green leaves, slightly short-length spikes with a light-yellow color, and slightly large seeds with a light yellow-brown color. Compared to the comparable cultivar, Shinyoung, Shinjoseong had a heading date of three days earlier (April 22nd, nationwide), stronger cold and lodging resistances, and the same level of disease resistance. Its average dry matter yield was 17.18 t/ha, 5% higher than that of the comparable cultivar. The crude protein, acid and neutral detergent fiber, and total digestible nutrient contents of Shinjoseong were 6.5%, 34.9%, 58.8%, and 61.3%, respectively, slightly higher than those of the comparable cultivar. However, the silage grade of Shinjoseong was 2, the same as that of the comparable variety. The grain yield of Shinjoseong was 7.36 t/ha, 13% higher than that of Shinyoung (Grant No. 9757).
영문 초록
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