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Comparison of Antioxidant Components and Activities of Korean Black Soybeans

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Comparison of Antioxidant Components and Activities of Korean Black Soybeans
Hye Rang Park Jeong Hyun Seo Beom Kyu Kang Jun Hoi Kim Su Vin Heo Yeong Hoon Lee Won Young Han Myung Chul Seo Gi Rim Park
간행물 정보
『Plant breeding and biotechnology』Vol.12, 175~192쪽, 전체 18쪽
농수해양 > 기타농수해양

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Black soybeans are valued for their rich nutritional content and potential health benefits, attributed to their functional components that enhance antioxidant activity. In this study, we evaluate and compare the isoflavone and anthocyanin content, as well as the antioxidant potential, of seven Korean black soybean genotypes. Isoflavone content ranged from 2,032.8 to 3,536.8 μg/g, with Soman displaying the highest levels of both aglycones and glucosides, indicating notable bioactive potential. In terms of anthocyanins, Danheuk had the highest total content (24,080.6 μg/g), while Soman excelled in Pelargonidin-3- glucoside (Pg3glc). Soman also showed superior antioxidant activity across all measures, including total polyphenol, flavonoid content, as well as radical scavenging abilities (ABTS and DPPH). Strong correlations were found between total flavonoid content, total polyphenol content, genistin, total isoflavone content and antioxidant activity, while correlations with total anthocyanins were relatively weaker. These findings reveal significant genetic variability in isoflavone and anthocyanin content among soybean genotypes, with Soman showing particularly high antioxidant potential, suggesting its value for health-related applications and soybean breeding programs.

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Hye Rang Park,Jeong Hyun Seo,Beom Kyu Kang,Jun Hoi Kim,Su Vin Heo,Yeong Hoon Lee,Won Young Han,Myung Chul Seo,Gi Rim Park. (2024).Comparison of Antioxidant Components and Activities of Korean Black Soybeans. Plant breeding and biotechnology, (), 175-192


Hye Rang Park,Jeong Hyun Seo,Beom Kyu Kang,Jun Hoi Kim,Su Vin Heo,Yeong Hoon Lee,Won Young Han,Myung Chul Seo,Gi Rim Park. "Comparison of Antioxidant Components and Activities of Korean Black Soybeans." Plant breeding and biotechnology, (2024): 175-192

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