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The Transmission and Development of Wu Changshuo's Seal Script Across Borders: Focusing on the Early 20th Century Korean Peninsula
秦宇(Yu Qin) 李宰雨(Jae-woo Lee) 孙梦(Meng Sun)
간행물 정보
『서예학연구』제45호, 191~213쪽, 전체 23쪽
예술체육 > 예술일반

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국문 초록

오창석은 국내외에서 명성이 자자한 예술가로서 詩書畵印 등 여러 방면에서 깊고 조예가 깊으며 강렬하고 독특한 예술적 개성을 지니고 있다. 아울러 끊임없는 예술적 실천과 창의력으로 이 네 가지의 예술을 한곳으로 모아 옛것을 빌려서 오늘날 그만의 독특한 예술을 개척하였다. 그는 청말 민국 초기 海派의 대표적인 예술가로 활동했을 뿐만 아니라, 근현대 중외 서예교류의 관점에서 한국에 지대한 영향을 끼쳤다. 오창석의 수많은 서체 중 가장 큰 영향을 미쳤던 것도 이를 통해 각 서체의 경계를 뚫어준 것이 바로 篆書였다. 옛말에 强抱篆寫狂草라고 하였다. 그의 독특한 방법과 아이디어로 인해 오창석의 전서는 전서 학습의 필수 단계가 되었으며, 그가 임 모 한 석고문은 현재 전서 학습의 본보기이가 되고 있다.

영문 초록

Wu Changshuo, a highly acclaimed artist both in China and abroad, excelled in poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal carving. He possessed a profound and unique artistic style that blended the classical with the modern, making him a leading figure in poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal carving during his time. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, Wu Changshuo, as a representative figure of the “Shanghai School,” greatly influenced the cultural trends of his era. His impact extended beyond China, significantly shaping calligraphic exchanges with Korea from a modern international perspective. Among Wu’s various styles, his seal script, which transcended the boundaries between different script forms, was the most influential. It was even said that he “strongly embraced the seal and clerical scripts to write wild cursive script.” Due to his unique creative methods and concepts, mastering Wu’s seal script became an essential step for students of his calligraphy, with his distinctive “Stone Drum Script” serving as a prominent model for contemporary learners. Due to his unique methods and ideas, Wu Changshuo's seal script has become an essential stage in learning seal script, and his distinctive Stone Drum Script now serves as a model for seal script study. 吴昌硕作为享誉海内外的优秀艺术家,于诗书画印等诸多方面均有着深厚而精深的造诣且有强烈而独具一格的艺术个性,以其不懈的艺术实践及创造力,集四艺于一身而借古开今,于时代中显露而为诗文、书、画、篆刻领域的领军人物。清末民初,吴昌硕不仅作为“海派”的代表人物而开一代风气,且从近现代中外书法交流的视域下亦对韩国有着重要的影响。在吴昌硕的众多书体中,最具影响亦是通过其来打通各个书体界限的无疑是其篆书,更有“强抱篆隶写狂草”之说。正因其独特的创作方法和思路,其篆书成为学习吴氏书法的必经阶段,其带有独特风格的”石鼓文 “更是当下学习的典范和代表。


Ⅰ. 绪论
Ⅱ. 吴昌硕篆书综述及特征
Ⅲ. 吴昌硕篆书在韩国的流传及散播
Ⅳ. 受吴昌硕篆书书风影响的韩国书艺家代表
Ⅴ. 吴昌硕篆书书风传播韩国的价值及意义
Ⅵ. 结论


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秦宇(Yu Qin),李宰雨(Jae-woo Lee),孙梦(Meng Sun). (2024).吴昌硕篆书的跨域流传与发展——以二十世纪初期朝鲜半岛为中心. 서예학연구, (), 191-213


秦宇(Yu Qin),李宰雨(Jae-woo Lee),孙梦(Meng Sun). "吴昌硕篆书的跨域流传与发展——以二十世纪初期朝鲜半岛为中心." 서예학연구, (2024): 191-213

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