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환경변인에 따른 초등학생의 특성불안과 사회성에 관한 연구

이용수 3

A study of Trait-Anxiety and Sociability of primary school children in relation to environmental variables
도미향(Mi Hyang Do) 최외선(Wae Sun Choi) 곽형식(Hyung Sik Kwak)
간행물 정보
『한국가족복지학』Vol.3 No.1, 43~59쪽, 전체 17쪽
사회과학 > 사회복지학

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The purpose of this study is to analyze and diagnose the degree of the trait anxiety and sociability of the primary schools children in relation to environmental variables and to make use of the results to provide some helpful information for the guidance of children. The subjects of this research were 822 preschool children in Taegu Metropolitan City. The data was analyzed with respect to frequency percentage, reliability, factor analysis, correlation, path analysis and Scheffe's test, employing SPSS PC program. The following conclusions were drawn from this study. First, there were statistically significant differences between the trait-anxiety of children and the environmental variables, family patterns, educational level of fathers, grade, reprimand of parents, family atmosphere, degree of satisfaction with family life, monthly allowance, school life and extracurricular activities. Second, there were statistically significant differences between the sociability of children and the environmental variables, educational level of parents, motive for extracurricular activities, health condition, teacher-child relationships, reprimand of parents and teacher, family atmosphere, degree of satisfaction with family life, monthly allowance, school life and extracurricular activities. Third, the variables which have direct effect on the sociability of children in view of cause and effect between the environmental variables and the level of sociability caused by trait-anxiety are ; the degree of satisfaction with school life, reprimand of mother, trait-anxiety. The variable which have indirect effect on it by means of media-variable trait-anxiety are; the degree of satisfaction with family life and school life and extracurricular activities, health condition, reprimand of father and mother. Thus, the level of sociability was estimated to be higher when there were lower levels of trait anxiety, greater satisfaction with family life and school life and extracurricular activities, better health condition, and less reprimand of parents.

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도미향(Mi Hyang Do),최외선(Wae Sun Choi),곽형식(Hyung Sik Kwak). (1998).환경변인에 따른 초등학생의 특성불안과 사회성에 관한 연구. 한국가족복지학, 3 (1), 43-59


도미향(Mi Hyang Do),최외선(Wae Sun Choi),곽형식(Hyung Sik Kwak). "환경변인에 따른 초등학생의 특성불안과 사회성에 관한 연구." 한국가족복지학, 3.1(1998): 43-59

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