재일조선인 간첩과 반공법
이용수 21
- 영문명
- Japanese Korean spy and Anti-Communist Law: 5-16 Expanding and Reconstructing the Anti-Communist Frame of the Coup Group
- 발행기관
- 한일민족문제학회
- 저자명
- 윤정원(Jeong-Weon Yun)
- 간행물 정보
- 『韓日民族問題硏究』제46집, 5~41쪽, 전체 37쪽
- 주제분류
- 인문학 > 역사학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.06.30
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국문 초록
5·16 The coup group was armed with anti-communist sentiment and knew that a well-established anti-communist system could effectively manage the country and its people. This realization led them to focus on building an anti-communist system from the beginning. The process of building a counter-communist system was organized into two parts: human and legal. For human organization, it was necessary to expand the anti-communist frame, and for legal organization, new laws were needed. To this end, the scope of anti-communism and mercenarism was expanded by manipulating Korean spies in Japan, and the Anti-Communist Law was newly revised and operated as a complementary system to the National Security Law.
The rise of spy in modern Korean history was an important tool in the anti-communist discourse. The history of the Korean peninsula, with its experience of colonization and division, was in many ways favorable for the manipulation of Korean spies, and as a result, the proportion of Korean spies decreased while the proportion of Japanese spies and Japaneserelated spies increased. The incident that marked the beginning of the Korean-Japanese spy narrative was the Korean National Daily Choi Yong-su case. The expansion and reconstruction of the anti-communist frame, coupled with anti-communist laws, led to its internalization in the minds of the people. The coup group used anti-communist laws to monitor all areas of life, and people had to prove they were not mercenaries through self-censorship. At the slightest sign of suspicion of being a mercenary or communist, the “people” were no longer “the people. The state that the coup group created was neither free nor democratic, but rather an anti-communist state.
영문 초록
5·16クーデター集団は反共意識で武装しており、よく構築された反共体制 で国家と国民を効率的に管理できることも知っていた。このような認識は、クーデ ター政権の初期から反共体制構築に集中させた。反共体制構築の過程は、 人的整理と法的整理で展開された。人的整理のためには反共フレームの拡大 が必要であり、法的整理のためには新しい法律が必要であった。そのために在 日朝鮮人スパイを操作して反共、容共の範囲を拡大し、反共法を新たに改正 して国家保安法と相互補完制で運用した。 韓国現代史における間諜の登場は、反共国家の言説に重要なツールで あった。植民地と分断の経験を持つ韓半島の歴史は、在日朝鮮人をスパイとし て操作するのに様々な面で有利であった。そのため、スパイ比重の中で全体の スパイは減少する一方、在日朝鮮人、日本関連スパイの比重が高くなった。 在日朝鮮人間諜敍事の始まりを告げる事件が民族日報趙鏞壽事件だった。 反共法まで加わった反共フレームの拡大と再構築は、共産主義を容共思想を 阻止することにとどまらず、国民の心情に内面化する作業につながった。クーデ ター集団は反共法ですべての領域を監視し、国民は自己検閲を通じて、容共 ではないことを証明しなければならなかった。容共、共産主義の疑惑が疑われ る兆候を見せただけで、「国民」はもはや「国民」ではなかった。クーデター集団 が作った国家は、自由でも民主主義でもない反共国家そのものだった。
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 반공프레임의 확장, 재일조선인 간첩
Ⅲ. 반공체제의 재구축
Ⅳ. 맺음말
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