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나주지역 도요지(陶窯址) 고찰

이용수 2

Considerations on Kiln Sites in Naju
박계수(Gyesu Park)
간행물 정보
『한국차문화』제10집, 157~186쪽, 전체 30쪽
사회과학 > 사회과학일반

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The kiln sites which have been identified through excavation survey in Naju are distributed across the country, reaching 20 places. Most of the kiln sites identified were the places that had produced white porcelain and some were excavated from the Buncheong kiln site. They have grown centering on Cholla Province for a long time. This left many pottery kiln sites: 5 earthenware kiln sites, 22 roof tile kiln sites, 1 celadon kiln site, 12 buncheongja kiln sites, 22 white porcelain kiln sites, 19 earthen pot kiln sites. It is well worth enough as a representative icon as it inspires the emotional culture value of well-being and healing today along with the history of ceramics by periods. So if tea culture is connected with ceramics industry and extended into a bigger industrial unit, tea, ceramics industry, and tourist industry will develop together. If tea and ceramics culture which have been formed centering on Yeongsan River are developed in various ways from Muan, which has an international airport and Naju along the national highway #2 up to Suncheon and Yeosu, this will emerge as the representative cultural tourist spot for the southern province. Southern province tea and ceramics culture tour course should be strategically strengthened as excellent tourism package that combines celadon of Gangjin, living ceramic products of Mokpo, and tea culture distributed everywhere in the southern provinces. It is hoped that the research on Naju kiln sites unknown till now will be studied in depth starting from this study.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 도자의 종류
Ⅲ. 나주지역의 도요지
Ⅳ. 나가는 말


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박계수(Gyesu Park). (2019).나주지역 도요지(陶窯址) 고찰. 한국차문화, (), 157-186


박계수(Gyesu Park). "나주지역 도요지(陶窯址) 고찰." 한국차문화, (2019): 157-186

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