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향기 나는 배 ‘진향’ 육성

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‘Jinhyang’: A Fragrant Pear Cultivar
정해원(Haewon Jung) 김윤경(Yoon-Keyong Kim) 원경호(Kyungho Won) 김금선(Keumsun Kim) 신일섭(Il Sheob Shin) 최진호(Jinho Choi) 강삼석(Sam-Seog Kang) 서호진(HoJin Seo) 조영식(Young Sik Cho) 강아랑(Ah Rang Kang)
간행물 정보
『한국육종학회지』Vol.56 No.2, 161~168쪽, 전체 8쪽
농수해양 > 기타농수해양

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국문 초록

‘진향’은 향기나는 배 품종 개발을 목적으로 1984년 ‘만삼길(晩三吉)’에 ‘봉리(鳳梨)’를 교배하여 2007년 1차 선발 후 2011년부터 2019년까지 지역적응시험(강원, 경기, 충남, 경남, 전남)을 통해 안정성과 균일성이 인정되어 신품종심의위원회를 거쳐 품종으로 육성되었다. 9월 하순에 성숙되는 ‘진향’은 과중은 439.9 g, 당도는 13.0 oBrix로 당산의 조화가 좋고 과즙이 풍부하다. 향기 성분 분석결과 파인애플, 망고 등에서 발생하는 휘발성 물질인 ethyl hexanoate, ethyl butanoate 성분을 다량 함유한 것을 확인하였으며 과육보다 과피, 과심 쪽에 가까울수록 향이 진하다. 직립성이 강하므로 꽃눈 유지를 위해 가지 유인 등 재배관리가 필요하다.

영문 초록

‘Jinhyang’ is a fragrant pear bred in 2019. Field crossings to breed fragrant pears were conducted in 1984 at the Pear Research Center of the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science. The maternal and paternal parents were ‘Okusankichi’ (IT254489) and ‘Hori’ (IT226291), respectively. The 84-16-5 line, which had a good fragrance, was first selected in 2007, and regional adaptation tests were conducted from 2011 to 2019 in five regions (Suwon, Chuncheon, Jinju, Yecheon, and Naju). The morphological characteristics of ‘Jinhyang’ include vigorous spreading tree form, brown-colored one-year-old shoot, elliptical leaf blade, round leaf tip, and white-colored flowers. The full bloom date was April 11, and the harvest date was in late September. The fruit of ‘Jinhyang’ weighs 439.9 g and has a soluble solid content of 13.0 °Brix, with a good sugar-acid balance and abundant juice. Analysis of the fragrance components of ‘Jinhyang’ revealed the presence of a large amount of fragrant volatile compounds compared to that of the standard cultivar ‘Niitaka’. In particular, ‘Jinhyang’ contains ethyl hexanoate and ethyl butanoate, which are known volatile compounds generated by pineapple and mango. Because of its strong uprightness, cultivation management, such as shoot bending, is necessary to maintain flower buds (Registration No. 9387).


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정해원(Haewon Jung),김윤경(Yoon-Keyong Kim),원경호(Kyungho Won),김금선(Keumsun Kim),신일섭(Il Sheob Shin),최진호(Jinho Choi),강삼석(Sam-Seog Kang),서호진(HoJin Seo),조영식(Young Sik Cho),강아랑(Ah Rang Kang). (2024).향기 나는 배 ‘진향’ 육성. 한국육종학회지, 56 (2), 161-168


정해원(Haewon Jung),김윤경(Yoon-Keyong Kim),원경호(Kyungho Won),김금선(Keumsun Kim),신일섭(Il Sheob Shin),최진호(Jinho Choi),강삼석(Sam-Seog Kang),서호진(HoJin Seo),조영식(Young Sik Cho),강아랑(Ah Rang Kang). "향기 나는 배 ‘진향’ 육성." 한국육종학회지, 56.2(2024): 161-168

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