Tongue Cancer 환자에서 PET/CT 검사 시 Open Mouth 촬영법의 유용성 평가
이용수 0
- 영문명
- Usefulness Evaluation of Open Mouth View when PET/CT scan In Tongue Cancer Patients
- 발행기관
- 대한핵의학기술학회
- 저자명
- 김재환(Jae Hwan Kim) 윤종준(Jong Jun Yun) 정지욱(Ji Wook Jung) 김정욱(Jung Wook Kim) 황주원(Ju Won Hwang) 지혜인(Hye In Ji)
- 간행물 정보
- 『핵의학기술』Vol.20 No.2, 14~20쪽, 전체 7쪽
- 주제분류
- 의약학 > 방사선과학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2016.10.30
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국문 초록
영문 초록
Purpose Tongue cancer is 1.8% of all cancer tumors occur in the tongue, it is known that the high incidence enough to account for 75% of oral cancer conducted a PET / CT examination for early diagnosis, metastasis, staging, etc. and. Tongue when PET / CT scan of a cancer patient and a Torso taken to close mouth lesions if the condition was caused due to the overlapping or corresponding artifacts are not clearly observed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the changes that occur during PET / CT scan with open mouth and its usefulness under. Materials and Methods From June 2015 to March 2016 complained of herein by May 21 had received a diagnosis of tongue cancer underwent PET / CT scan patients were treated with a target (16 males, 5 female). The first was taken to close mouth Torso state, it was taken to add 1 bed open mouth condition. Tumor (T), measuring the Normal Tongue (NT), Lymph Node (LN) standard intake coefficient by setting a region of interest in the (standardized uptake value, SUV) SUVₘₑₐₙ, the average value was measured SUVₘₐₓ, drawn to each region of interest 3 times and Background (Carotid artery) was out of the SUV. In Chapter 3 of the slice to the tumor clearly visible by setting the region of interest to measure the change Tumor size was calculated average value. Gross Image resolution assessment were analyzed statistically through were divided into 1-5 points by the Radiation 7 people in 2, more than five years worked in specialized nuclear medicine compare to proceed with the blind test nonparametric test (wilcoxon signed rank test). (SPSS ver.18) Results SUVₘₑₐₙ T's were in close mouth 5.01±2.70 with open mouth 5.48±2.88 (P<0.05), SUVₘₐₓ were respectively 8.78±5.55 and 9.70±5.99 (P<0.05). SUVₘₑₐₙ in the NT were respectively 0.43±0.30 and 0.34±0.24 (P=0.20), SUVₘₐₓ was 0.56±0.34 and 0.45±0.25 (P=0.204). LN SUVₘₑₐₙ were respectively 1.62±1.43 and 1.69±1.49 (P=0.161), SUVₘₑₐₙ was 2.09±1.88 and 1.99 ±1.74 (P=0.131). Tumor size change is close mouth 4.96±4.66cm² 5.33±4.64cm² with 7.45% increase was (P<0.05), gross image resolution evaluation is 2.87±0.73, 3.77±0.68 with open mouth examinations 30.5% increase was (P<0.05). Conclusion Tumor SUV on the changes that had an increase in open mouth during inspection, the normal tongue and lymph node, but there was no significant difference in the change slightly. It is also one open mouth PET / CT scan will provide improved image to all patients with tongue cancer, but it could be confirmed that similar overall through the blind test, or tumor size changes and showing a high resolution image. It can be the perfect alternative method for problems that occur when the close mouth Open mouth PET / CT scan, but is believed to be through the open mouth to observe the boundary of overlapping or tumor of the oral cavity other structures a little more clearly . Tongue cancer patients how to recommend that the shooting further open mouth PET / CT.
실험재료 및 방법
결론 및 고찰
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