구산 수련의 제2 정혜결사 운동과 그 의의
이용수 19
- 영문명
- Gusan-Suryeon’s the 2nd Samadhi and Prajna Community Movement and Its Meaning
- 발행기관
- 보조사상연구원
- 저자명
- 김방룡
- 간행물 정보
- 『보조사상』第67輯, 57~83쪽, 전체 27쪽
- 주제분류
- 인문학 > 불교학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2023.11.30
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국문 초록
1969년에 송광사에 조계총림이 만들어지면서 초대 방장으로 추대된 구산은 ‘현대 간화선의 중흥자’이자 ‘보조선의 계승자’라고 할 수 있다. 구산은 지눌의 정혜결사 정신을 계승하여 한국불교를 중흥하고자 ‘제2 정혜결사 운동’을 일으켰다.
‘제2 정혜결사 운동’의 내용과 성격은 당시 조계총림의 과제와 맥락을 같이 한다. 구산은 6.25 사변 때 전소된 송광사를 복원하는 한편, 결사운동이 성공할 수 있도록 전국적인 규모의 신행 단체인 ‘불일회’를 조직하였다.구산은 지눌의 결사정신과 선사상의 계승을 통해 송광사의 승풍을 새롭게 진작시켰으며, 이를 통해 승보종찰의 위상을 확고히 하였다.
지눌과 구산이 동시에 정혜결사를 추진하였지만, ‘정혜쌍수’의 방법에 있어서는 차이점도 존재한다. 지눌이 말하는 정혜쌍수는 ‘성적등지문’으로서 ‘반조자심’의 수행법이다. 이에 반해 구산은 평생 간화선 수행에 몰두하였기에 화두 참구에 있어서 바깥 경계와 화두가 성성적적해야 한다고 주장하였다. 따라서 구산이 제시한 정혜등지는 자신의 실재 체험 속에서 형성되었으며, 간화선에 기반한 정혜쌍수의 방법이다. 지눌과 구산에게 사상적 차이가 존재하는 것은 구산이 진정한 선사임을 말하는 증표이다.
구산은 효봉선사의 제자로서 송광사의 승풍 진작과 보조선의 세계화에 주력하였다. 그는 수선 결사 참여, 불일 국제선원을 통한 간화선의 세계적 보급, 보조사상 연구원 건립, 불일회 조직, 송광사와 송광사 말사의 중창, 국내외 송광사 분원 신설 등의 업적을 이루었다.
영문 초록
In the history of Korean Buddhism, Gusan can be said to be ‘the rejuvenator of the modern Ganhwa Seon’ and ‘the heir of the Bojo’s Seon’. After liberation, the Jogye Vindyavana Hall was established in Songgwangsa Temple in 1969, and Songgwangsa Temple was newly transformed as Gusan, who was appointed as the first chief monk, launched ‘the 2nd Samadhi and Prajna Community Movement’. He inherited Jinul’s spirit of Samadhi and Prajna Community, and guided the path of ‘true mind · true human’ to have the body of calm mind and the action of awakened mind together through the practice of Ganhwa Seon.
The promotion of ‘the 2nd Samadhi and Prajna Community Movement’ means that Jinul’s ‘Samadhi and Prajna Community’ is inherited and ‘Becoming a Buddha and saving people’ realized through Samadhi and Prajna. It also means that Jinul’s spirit of Samadhi and Prajna Community was cut off between Jinul and Gusan, and that Korean Buddhism has lost its direction. ‘The 2nd Samadhi and Prajna Community Movement’ advocated by Gusan puts an end to the history of Songgwangsa Temple, which has been led by the Bukhyu lineage, and suggests the direction for Korean Buddhism and Songgwangsa Temple to move forward.
The content and character of ‘the 2nd Samadhi and Prajna Community Movement’ are in line with the tasks of the Jogye Vindyavana Hall at the time. Gusan, who took office as the chief of the Jogye Vindyavana Hall, had to restore Songgwangsa Temple, which was burned down during the Korean War, and boost newly Buddhist monk’s tradition of Songgwangsa Temple. In order to solve this task, Gusan launched ‘the 2nd Samadhi and Prajna Community Movement’ and organized a nationwide group called ‘Bulilhoe’, a group of faith and practice. In addition, based on Jinul’s Seon thought, he promoted newly Buddhist monk’s tradition of Songgwangsa Temple and intended to establish Songgwangsa Temple as the chief temple of Sangha.
There is a difference in the ‘Samadhi and Prajna Community’ promoted by Jinul and Gusan. ‘The gate of equal concentration on both cessation and observation(Seongjeokdeungjimun)’ proposed by Jinul is the practice method of ‘turning over bright on self-mind’ and ‘the gate of shortcut approach on observing the key phrase(Ganhwagyeongjeolmun)’ is the practice method of ‘Hwadu investigation’. On the other hand, since Gusan devoted his entire life to practicing Ganhwa Seon, he put ‘Hwadu investigation’ at the center and then understood the practice method of ‘equal concentration on both cessation and observation’. Therefore, the method of ‘the 2nd Samadhi and Prajna Community’ proposed by Gusan was formed in his own actual experience, and is a method of dual practice of meditation and wisdom based on Ganhwa Seon. The existence of ideological differences between Jinul and Gusan is a sign that Gusan is a true Seon master.
As a disciple of Seon master Hyobong, Gusan focused on boosting Buddhist monk’s tradition of Songgwangsa Temple and globalizing Bojo’s Seon. He accomplished achievements such as taking part in Suseon Community, global distribution of Ganhwa Seon through Bulil International Seon Center, building Bojo Thought Research Institute, organization of Bulilhoe, the reconstruction of Songgwangsa Temple and a Songgwangsa’s branch temple, and the establishment of domestic and foreign branch temples of Songgwangsa Temple.
Ⅰ. 들어가며
Ⅱ. 제2 정혜결사 운동의 추진 배경
Ⅲ. 제2 정혜결사 운동의 내용과 성격
Ⅳ. 지눌과 구산의 ‘정혜쌍수’ 방법
Ⅴ. 나아가며 : ‘제2 정혜결사운동’의 의의와 남겨진 과제
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