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체벵(Čeveng)의 『몽골 소수민족지』 역주 1

이용수 18

An Annotated Translation of Čeveng’s Ethnography of Mongolian MinoritiesㆍⅠ: The Darqad and the Uriyangqai of Lake Köbsügül
간행물 정보
『몽골학』제71호, 63~96쪽, 전체 34쪽
인문학 > 기타인문학

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This article is an annotated translation of the first chapter of Čeveng’s Ethnography of Mongolian Minorities, on the Darqad and the Uriyangqai of Lake Köbsügül. On the western side of Lake Köbsügül at the northwestern frontier of Mongolia live the Darqad, and the Köbsügül-Uriyangqai live on the eastern side. The territory is surrounded by mountain ranges with perpetual snow, and because there is Lake Köbsügül at the very center, the weather is very cold and it snows heavily. Since larches and birches are abundant, it is likely to that a timber industry will be developed in the future. Also, as there are good pastures, it may well be possible to make provisions of hay and fodder. Moreover, a variety of fish inhabit in Lake Köbsügül. There are a lot of stags, bears, musk-deer, but there are few squirrels and sables. Graphite and ocher are abundant, and lead, silver-bearing ores, copper, and gold are produced in this area. The language and culture of the Darqad have become Mongol. Even though the Darqad language is close to the Buriyad language, Oyirad dialect can be detected. Their tents, dress, and domestic practice are similar to the Mongols’. Most of them have embraced Buddhism while some of them believe in Shamanism. Regarding their occupation, they not only raise horses, oxen, yaks, sheep, goats, reindeer, and camels, but also go fishing and hunting. Musk, wild onions, and ginseng also comes from the Darqad region. Their food and drinks are milk and meat from livestock, and snake-weed and potatoes from the ground. The Uriyangqai live on the eastern side of Lake Köbsügül. Those who speak in their own language has become few in number, while those who speak Mongolian have become the majority among the Uriyangqai. Although their dwellings are Mongol tents, some of them use cone-shaped tents covered with reindeer hides, or with bark. There is a great commercial route from the region of the Darqad and Uriyangqai to the Siberian Railway station on the shores of Lake Baikal. As steamboats go across the lake, there are facilities for transporting raw materials, and for importing goods brought from the outside. Therefore, the Darqad and Uriyangqai Borderland surrounding Lake Köbsügül will become a rich and attractive region in future.


1. 머리말
2. 『몽골 소수민족지』의 개관
3. 다르하드와 훕스굴 호의 오량하이
4. 맺음말


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김장구. (2022).체벵(Čeveng)의 『몽골 소수민족지』 역주 1. 몽골학, (), 63-96


김장구. "체벵(Čeveng)의 『몽골 소수민족지』 역주 1." 몽골학, (2022): 63-96

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