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악티움 해전과 프린키파투스 체제

이용수 185

The Battle of Actium and Principatus
김상엽(Sang-Yeup Kim)
간행물 정보
『세계역사와 문화연구』제29집, 1~21쪽, 전체 21쪽
인문학 > 역사학

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1:1 문의
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영문 초록

The understanding to Actian battle was the central thesis of ancient and modern historians. The discussion of modern historians was represented as the Kromayer-Tarn debate. This debate concentrated on the mistake of Antonius and Kleopatra in the military campaign of Actian battle. Kromayer argued that Antony intended to retreat from the Ambracian Gulf as many ship as he could save and continue the war elsewhere. On the contrary to this view, A. Ferrabino and Tarn argued that Antony intended to fight for victory, and that he returned to harbor and lost through the conspiracy within the squadron. By analyzing the Kromayer-Tarn debate through the source of ancient historians, Antony and Kleopatra intended to fight for victory against the attack of Octavius and Agrippa and devised the best strategy. The relation between the Actian battle and the Principatus is indispensable to the character of Actian battle. Wallace Hadrill and Johnson regarded the Actian battle as a civil war by analyzing the position of Antony. On the other hand, Rich and Williams thought of the Actian battle as a foreign war by concentrating on Kleopatra and Egypt. But Octavianus emphasized the end of civil and the peace that acquired through the victory of Actian battle. In particular, ancient historians including Livius concentrated on the relation between the victory of Actian battle and the establishment of peace. Therefore, the victory of Actian battle provided the roman people who were exhausted through civil wars during one hundred years with the peace. The establishment of peace inaugurated the golden age of roman empire and the Principatus and was the turning point of the roman history and the western civilization.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 악티움 해전
Ⅲ. 악티움 해전의 전략과 전투수행
Ⅳ. 함선들의 수효와 피해
Ⅴ. 악티움 해전의 성격과 프린키파투스
Ⅵ. 결론


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김상엽(Sang-Yeup Kim). (2013).악티움 해전과 프린키파투스 체제. 세계역사와 문화연구, 29 , 1-21


김상엽(Sang-Yeup Kim). "악티움 해전과 프린키파투스 체제." 세계역사와 문화연구, 29.(2013): 1-21

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