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고령자가구의 자산구조와 자산효과

이용수 25

Asset structure and asset effect of elderly households
김선주(Kim, Sun Ju) 김행종(Kim, Haeng Jong)
간행물 정보
『주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집)』住居環境 제16권 제3호 (통권 제41호), 151~162쪽, 전체 12쪽
사회과학 > 지역개발

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This study analyzed the characteristics of households, asset structure, and asset effect by dividing elderly households into five income groups. The characteristics of the elderly households showed that the proportion of the elderly population, the proportion of one household, The education level and the self ratio are low in the low income brackets, the monthly rent ratio, the proportion of single house is high, and the higher the income brackets, the higher the proportion of apartments. Next, the asset structure of the elderly households increased by 4.81% in total assets (70.19%) and in the fifth quintile of households (75.0%). This shows that the low-income quintile uses more debt-weighted assets to construct. Finally, the asset effects of the elderly households are income and financial assets, residential housing assets, and debt, which affect household consumption in all income quintiles. Among these three variables, income first quartile and income second quartile have asset effects in the order of financial assets> residential housing assets> income, income from third income quintile income> residential housing assets> financial assets order. The asset effect of the residential housing was twice as high as the income quintile. The asset effect of debt increased as the income quintile increased. Among the household characteristics, the age of the householder had a negative effect on all income, and the presence of the spouse had a significant negative impact on the households of the 1,2,3. The higher the number of household heads, the higher the level of education, the more house owership. There is a need for securitization policy of housing assets for low income households and policy for supporting elderly households living.


I. 서론
II. 이론적 논의와 선행연구
III. 분석의 틀
IV. 분석 결과
V. 결 론


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김선주(Kim, Sun Ju),김행종(Kim, Haeng Jong). (2018).고령자가구의 자산구조와 자산효과. 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집), 16 (3), 151-162


김선주(Kim, Sun Ju),김행종(Kim, Haeng Jong). "고령자가구의 자산구조와 자산효과." 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집), 16.3(2018): 151-162

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