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Numerical Analysis on Transport Phenomena of Liquid-Metal in DC EM Pump

이용수 4

호서대학교 공업기술연구소
GilDong Kim Jong Hoon Park Chang Eop Kim Kyoung Woo Park
간행물 정보
『공업기술연구 논문집』제34권 제1호, 1~7쪽, 전체 7쪽
공학 > 공학일반

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Recently, the electrom agnetic (EM ) p u m p has been w idely used for cooling th e h ig h th e rm a l power system such as nuclear reactors because it has m an y ad vanta g e of th e lower pressure loss, absence of m oving components, an d allow ance of continuous flu id flow com pared w ith th e conventional m echanical p u m p (i.e., a ce ntrifug al p u m p ). The basic o p eratin g p rin ciple of E M pum ps is th a t in the presence of a n ex ternal m ag ne tic field, the in te ra c tio n betw een the electrical current an d transverse m ag ne tic fields results in Lorentz forces th ro u g h an electrically conducting liq u id m etal. This is th e d o m a in of m agneto-hydrodynam ics (M H D ). In the present study, the tran sp o rt phenom ena in the E M p u m p w hich is formed a rec tang ular chann el are in vestig ated by usin g the C F D technology. As the results of s im u la tio n , the follow ing conclusions are o b ta in e d ; It is found th a t th e typical M -shaped velocity profiles in the chann el for liq u id m etal can be ob tain ed due to th e Lorentz force w hich is produced by bo th the m agnetic field an d current density. The average velocity a n d pressure drop in the E M p u m p chann el are increased, sim ultan e o usly , as th e m ag ne tic field an d curre nt density increase and, in tu rn , more p u m p in g power can be predicted by the influence of them .


I. Introduction
II. Mathematical Model
III. Results and Discussion
IV. Conclusions


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GilDong Kim,Jong Hoon Park,Chang Eop Kim,Kyoung Woo Park. (2015).Numerical Analysis on Transport Phenomena of Liquid-Metal in DC EM Pump. 공업기술연구 논문집, 34 (1), 1-7


GilDong Kim,Jong Hoon Park,Chang Eop Kim,Kyoung Woo Park. "Numerical Analysis on Transport Phenomena of Liquid-Metal in DC EM Pump." 공업기술연구 논문집, 34.1(2015): 1-7

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