양평군 친환경농업 사례의 성공요인 분석
이용수 25
- 영문명
- An Analysis on the Success Factors of Environmental-friendly Agriculture in Yangpyeong-gun, Korea
- 발행기관
- 한국농식품정책학회
- 저자명
- 허덕 박문호
- 간행물 정보
- 『농업경영.정책연구』농업경영·정책연구 33권 1호, 20~36쪽, 전체 17쪽
- 주제분류
- 농수해양 > 식품과학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2006.03.31
구매일시로부터 72시간 이내에 다운로드 가능합니다.
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국문 초록
영문 초록
The purposes of this study are to analyze the success factors of Yangpyeong-Gun Environment-friendly regional agriculture policy and to suggest the directions for developing regional agriculture and agricultural policy of self-governing bodies.
The analytical results of this case study are summarized as follows : First, the main factors on success case are characterized as fundamental assistance and natural environment of agri-industry, communicational element among local gevernment and producers & salers and leadership of the main body.
Second, the important things to succeeded agricultural policies of self-governing bodies, leadership of final decision-maker, conducting the projects based on endowment of regional based natural resources and developing software programs such as education, marketing and information.
I. 연구필요성과 목적
II. 선행연구 검토
III. 주요 개념과 분석의 틀
IV. 성공요인 분석
V. 맺음말
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