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온라인 고체상추출과 LC-MS/MS 기술을 이용한 소변 중 파라벤류 분석

이용수 26

Determination of 4 Parabens in Human Urine by Online SPE and LC-MS/MS Techniques
김정환(Jung Hoan Kim) 고영림(Young Lim Kho) 김판기(Pan Gyi Kim) 정지연(Jee Yeon Jeong) 이은희(Eun Hee Lee) 이승열(Seung-Youl Lee) 남혜선(Hye-Seon Nam) 이규식(Gyu-Seek Rhee)
간행물 정보
『한국환경보건학회지』제38권 제6호, 561~567쪽, 전체 7쪽
공학 > 환경공학

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Objectives: Parabens are widely used as antimicrobial agents in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics as well as by the food industry. Parabens have been reported to show weak estrogenic activity and be related to health effects such as allergic reactions and skin and breast cancer. We evaluated an online solid phase extraction (SPE) method coupled with LC-MS/MS technique using free and conjugated parent parabens in human urine for assessing human exposure to parabens. Methods: We employed LC/MS/MS through online solid phase extraction and column-switching techniques and analyzed free and conjugated parabens as biomarkers of human exposure. Four major parabens, methyl-paraben (MP), ethyl-paraben (EP), propyl-paraben (PP) and butyl-paraben (BP), were analyzed. Method validation was performed by sensitivity, accuracy, precision and comparison of the results of online SPE with offline SPE. Results: The limits of detection (LOD) were in the range of 0.2-2 ng/mL, and actual limits of quantification(LOQ) were in the range of 0.7-6 ng/mL urine, depending upon the compound. Accuracy was in the range of 98.3-106.4%, and precision was in the range of 1.3-8.7% (CV) depending upon the compound. We found a good correlation between the results of analysis by online SPE method and that by off-line SPE method. Conclusions: The online SPE method showed proper LOD and validated accuracy, precision and good correlation with the offline method for analyzing parabens in urine.



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김정환(Jung Hoan Kim),고영림(Young Lim Kho),김판기(Pan Gyi Kim),정지연(Jee Yeon Jeong),이은희(Eun Hee Lee),이승열(Seung-Youl Lee),남혜선(Hye-Seon Nam),이규식(Gyu-Seek Rhee). (2012).온라인 고체상추출과 LC-MS/MS 기술을 이용한 소변 중 파라벤류 분석. 한국환경보건학회지, 38 (6), 561-567


김정환(Jung Hoan Kim),고영림(Young Lim Kho),김판기(Pan Gyi Kim),정지연(Jee Yeon Jeong),이은희(Eun Hee Lee),이승열(Seung-Youl Lee),남혜선(Hye-Seon Nam),이규식(Gyu-Seek Rhee). "온라인 고체상추출과 LC-MS/MS 기술을 이용한 소변 중 파라벤류 분석." 한국환경보건학회지, 38.6(2012): 561-567

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