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비산단지역 환경오염 수준 및 주민의 생체지표 모니터링

이용수 45

Monitoring Study on Exposure Levels of Environmental Pollutants in Residents of a Non-Industrial Area, Korea
김대선(Dae-Seon Kim) 안승철(Seung Chul Ahn) 류정민(Jung Min Ryu) 유승도(Seung Do Yu)
간행물 정보
『한국환경보건학회지』제38권 제6호, 482~492쪽, 전체 11쪽
공학 > 환경공학

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Objectives: The main purpose of this study is to produce background data which can be compared with data on vulnerable areas such as industrial complexes in Ulsan, SihwaBanwol, Gwangyang, Yeosu, Pohang, Cheongju and Daesan in Korea. Methods: This study was performed on 1,007 local residents in Gangneung using personal questionnaires and medical check-up. Environmental pollutants including heavy metals in blood and urine were analyzed and the results are as follows. Results: According to the results of medical check-up, 705 subjects were “Normal (A and B)”, 232 subjects were “Disease doubtful (R1)” and 70 subjects were “High blood pressure or Diabetes doubtful (R2)”. Regarding geometric mean concentration, blood lead was 1.57 μg/dL, urine cadmium was 0.82 μg/g-cr, urine mercury was 0.98 μg/g-cr and urine arsenic was 15.78 μg/g-cr. In the analysis of 11 kinds of VOCs in blood, vinyl chloride, 1,3-butadiene and dichloroethylene were not detected, while the detection rate of other chemicals was above 70% except chloroform(49.7%) and trichloroethylene(19.0%). In analysis of 16 kinds of PAHs in blood, 10 kinds showed more than 80% in detection rate. Also, detection rate of 4 kinds of PCBs in blood ranged 52 to 78%. Conclusions: Compared with industrial compelxes, the concentration of blood lead was lower, while urine cadmium and mercury levels were similar. Also, urine arsenic ranged at a significant level. Further study is required to find the cause of regional differences in concentrations of environmental pollutants.



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김대선(Dae-Seon Kim),안승철(Seung Chul Ahn),류정민(Jung Min Ryu),유승도(Seung Do Yu). (2012).비산단지역 환경오염 수준 및 주민의 생체지표 모니터링. 한국환경보건학회지, 38 (6), 482-492


김대선(Dae-Seon Kim),안승철(Seung Chul Ahn),류정민(Jung Min Ryu),유승도(Seung Do Yu). "비산단지역 환경오염 수준 및 주민의 생체지표 모니터링." 한국환경보건학회지, 38.6(2012): 482-492

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