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LOL 게임 여자챔피언의 춤 표현을 위한 감성 요소 추출 연구

이용수 38

Emotional Factors Research for The Extraction of Dance Expression Game Girl Champion LOL
최현정(Choi Hyun Jung) 조옥희(Cho Ok Hue) 이성태(Sung Tae Lee)
간행물 정보
『한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지』제28권 3호, 113~124쪽, 전체 12쪽
공학 > 컴퓨터학

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Typical games and dance in conjunction with research to express the character and the heart of digital content in it is very difficult relationship, looking for relationship problems also have difficulties. However, analysis of the history and the story of the character and skills, and to extract emotional elements, each with its own character is only through the collective images that melts in your character, and want to revive your character as a human being with a new emotional vocabulary. In other words, game content and prejudices that have a negative genre, thus free from adverse effects it caused, watching the game character as a human being it seeks sublimated into art of dance. This place inside cultural content to the artistic value of game genres, be re-evaluated when the digital element is considered highly likely to have a greater significance that can be converted into a new perspective to the analog element. The research method is a game of emotions LOL prototype model of James Russell (J. Rusell) to organize a theoretical basis mainly characterized by emotion and skill of the women champions background with LG Business Insight Weekly Focus 'emotional code of the digital crowd'It presents a new emotional models centered round. And to analyze the characteristics of the X-axis independent champion (Hero), crowd (Hero) analysis of the structure in the Y-axis line (善) and the plot, and presents an opinion on the scope and sensibility.


1. 서론
2. 감정구분과 디지털 감성 요소
3. LOL 게임 여자 챔피언 특징 분석
4. 여자챔피언 분석에 따른 춤을 위한 감성 요소
5. 결 론


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최현정(Choi Hyun Jung),조옥희(Cho Ok Hue),이성태(Sung Tae Lee). (2015).LOL 게임 여자챔피언의 춤 표현을 위한 감성 요소 추출 연구. 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지, 28 (3), 113-124


최현정(Choi Hyun Jung),조옥희(Cho Ok Hue),이성태(Sung Tae Lee). "LOL 게임 여자챔피언의 춤 표현을 위한 감성 요소 추출 연구." 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지, 28.3(2015): 113-124

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