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소년의료보호시설(소년법 제7호처분)제도에 대한 독창적 개선방안

이용수 327

A study on the Original Improvement of the Juvenile Offend Medical Protection Agency
천정환(Chung Jung Hwan)
간행물 정보
『교정복지연구』矯正福祉硏究 第40號, 131~164쪽, 전체 34쪽
사회과학 > 행정학

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소년의료보호시설 등이란 보호처분의 일종인 7호처분이 부과된 보호소년에 대한 품행교정과 환경조정, 의료라는 의료보호공공재의 생산을 하는 의료보호기관 등을 말한다. 소년범죄에 대한 보호처분의 일종인 7호처분제도는 소년보호의 가외성, 특수교육이념, 특별예방이념, 사회복지, 가족치료 등을 이념으로 한다. 이러한 7호처분의 집행은 법무부의 지휘와 감독을 받는 관료적인 대전의료소년원과 가정법원의 지휘와 감독을 받는 비관료적인 일반병원(위탁병원 등)으로 구분되어 시행이 된다. 그런데 7호처분의 집행은 단순히 형사정책적 접근으로 되어서는 안되는 바 그 이유는 7호처분의 특성상 아동발달이론, 심리학, 발달론, 교육학, 인지과학, 교정급식학, 교정학 등으로 구성되어 있기 때문이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 7호처분 관련 법령과 운영실태를 소개하고 내용과 선행연구들을 독창적 관점에서 비판하였다.

영문 초록

Juvenile offender medical protection agency which is introduced in the new revised juvenile act(2007) is medical rehabilitation agency which is based on special criminology policy which produces medical protection public service such on the adjustment of environment of juvenile offender, medical treatment and correction treatment, The ideology of 7treatment in the article 32 of current juvenile Law by juvenile court is composed of the redundancy of youth medical education in the youth medical detention center which confines juvenile offenders who is sentenced 7treatment of current juvenile Law who suffer from physical disease, physical disease, drug abuse, mental retardation, mental disease and specific education ideology and specific education ideology and specific prevention ideology and social welfare, family therapy. 7 treatment execution agency is invided into Dae Jun youth medical detention center which is directed by Justice Department and genenal hospital and so on which is directed by juvenile courts. The study of the 7treatment should not be approached in the simple criminology policy due to the its interdisciplinary character. The study of the 7treatment in the article 32 of current juvenile Law should be approached in the interdisciplinary view such on psychology, development theory, science education cognitive science, meals science correction and medical. Therefore, in this article, I would like to introduce the system of 7treatment in the article 32 of current juvenile Law and to assert improvement device of the youth medical protection agency in the current juvenile Law which the existing studies have ignored about its problems throughout the interdisciplinary view and my original view.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 기본이론
Ⅲ. 7호처분의 실태와 내용
Ⅳ. 선행연구 비판론
Ⅴ. 문제점과 개선방안(사견)
Ⅵ. 결론


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천정환(Chung Jung Hwan). (2016).소년의료보호시설(소년법 제7호처분)제도에 대한 독창적 개선방안. 교정복지연구, (40), 131-164


천정환(Chung Jung Hwan). "소년의료보호시설(소년법 제7호처분)제도에 대한 독창적 개선방안." 교정복지연구, .40(2016): 131-164

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