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프랜차이즈 커피전문점의 상가 입지요인 분석 연구

이용수 344

Analysis of location factors in the coffee shop franchise
신유진(Sin, Yu-Jin) 최승두(Choi, Seung-Du)
간행물 정보
『주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집)』住居環境 제12권 제3호 (통권 제25호), 15~25쪽, 전체 11쪽
사회과학 > 지역개발

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This study aims to enhance the management performance of franchise coffee shops, among food service industry where entrepreneurship fever is strong in line with social change and trend, by analyzing location factors for the commercial district of the franchise coffee shops. It explores the current status of franchise coffee shops located in Busan area and selected location factors which fit for franchise coffee shops by classifying upper class and its segmented classes through the investigation on preceding researches. The significance of these upper and its segmented location factors is analyzed through Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP. The result of AHP analysis based on questionnaire survey on experts, franchisee and general customers related to franchise coffee shops shows that the relative important locations factors are in the order of approachability, marketability, competitiveness, economic efficiency, visibility and demographic characteristics of the located region. In summary, in selecting the location of franchise coffee shops,approachability is the top priority to consider, particularly road conditions and vicinity of roads. In addition, other important factors includes whether the location has densely packed surrounding commercial facilities, whether commercial facilities are compressed and bustling and whether it has plenty of floating population. Careful consideration of these factors will prove to be a great help for franchise coffee shops to avoid suffering from future management difficulty and will help boost the management performance of the coffee shops.


I. 서 론
II. 이론적 논의
III. 연구설계
IV. 실증분석
V. 결론 및 시사점


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신유진(Sin, Yu-Jin),최승두(Choi, Seung-Du). (2014).프랜차이즈 커피전문점의 상가 입지요인 분석 연구. 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집), 12 (3), 15-25


신유진(Sin, Yu-Jin),최승두(Choi, Seung-Du). "프랜차이즈 커피전문점의 상가 입지요인 분석 연구." 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집), 12.3(2014): 15-25

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