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캄리야트(酒詩)의 시성(詩聖) 아부 누와스 고찰

이용수 34

A Study on Abū Nuwās, A Great Poet of Khamrīyāt(Wine Poetry): His Life and 'Deviation' Expressed in His Poems
김능우(Kim Neung Woo)
간행물 정보
『아랍어와 아랍문학』10집 1호, 73~113쪽, 전체 41쪽
어문학 > 기타동양어문학

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1:1 문의
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영문 초록

This thesis aims at studying the aspects of debauchery or deviation from moral consciousness and Islamic teachings, expressed in Abū Nuwās' Khamrīyāt(wine poetry), in addition to dealing with his life and his disposition. From this study I have come to results as follows. Firstly, the understanding of debauchery and dissipation which Abū Nuwās and other pleasure-seeking poets enjoyed during Abbasid period needs considerations of the historical and cultural background of that time. The cosmopolitan feature of Abbasid culture gave rise to positive affect of scientific development, while its negative influence caused the spread of dissipation. Secondly, a phase of Abū Nuwās' personal life and his disposition needs to be taken into consideration for knowing about factors that made him be a famous poet of Khamrīyāt and a debauchee at the same time. An overview of his life shows that he is a person with a talent for verses, a strong will to learn and a keen interest in scholastic achievement. Meanwhile, his unfortunate life resulted from misery of his family and his disillusionment with women(his mother and Jinān, a girl he loved) led him into a life of debauchery featured by the drinking of wine and the homosexual tendency toward boys. Thirdly, it is well known that Abū Nuwās' wine poems show aspects of an excessive deviation from Islamic doctrines and traditional morality, but I think that his wine poems are worthy to be appreciated highly in that they evoke a human instinct, freedom of thinking and encourage the human will of challenge to the social taboos. I am of the opinion that Abū Nuwās' wine poetry is not mere 'poetry of debauchery' as reputed, but it is 'poetry as a mirror of the infinite possibilities of human spirit'.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 아부 누와스의 생애
Ⅲ. 시에 나타난 '일탈(逸脫)'
Ⅳ. 결론


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김능우(Kim Neung Woo). (2006).캄리야트(酒詩)의 시성(詩聖) 아부 누와스 고찰. 아랍어와 아랍문학, 10 (1), 73-113


김능우(Kim Neung Woo). "캄리야트(酒詩)의 시성(詩聖) 아부 누와스 고찰." 아랍어와 아랍문학, 10.1(2006): 73-113

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