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조직 내 비주류집단의 심리적 소유감과 직무성과

이용수 1428

Minority group members’ psychological ownership and work performance: The integration of relational demography and power perspectives
정명호(Myung-Ho Chung) 유니나(Nina Yoo)
간행물 정보
『인사조직연구』인사조직연구 제22권 제1호, 317~359쪽, 전체 42쪽
경제경영 > 경영학

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최근 국내기업에서 인력다양성이 증가하고 있고, 그 내용 면에서도 점차 복잡해지고 있다. 다양성 문제는 본질적으로 수적인 다수-소수집단과 권력측면의 우위-열위집단 문제가 복합적으로 작용하고 있으나 대부분의 기존 연구는 수적측면이나 기능적 측면에 관심을 한정하고 있다. 본 연구는 수적인 측면과 권력관계 요인을 동시에 고려하여, 특정 구성원이 비주류집단(minority group)으로서의 정체성을 갖게 하는 결정요인으로 관계적 인구통계(relational demography)와 권력지각을 제시하였다. 그리고 양 요인이 조직구성원의 직무태도(조직몰입, 직무만족)와 직무성과(과업성과, OCB)에 미치는 독립효과와 상호작용 효과를 살펴보았다. 아울러, 양 요인이 결과변수에 미치는 효과가 심리적 소유감(psychological ownership)에 의해 매개되는지 고찰하였다. 관계적 인구통계 변수로는 성별, 출신지역, 근속년수, 전문경력 비유사성을 선정하고, 권력정도는 팀내 모든 구성원의 상호평가를 통해 권력지각 매트릭스(power perception matrix)를 구성하여 측정하였다. 국내 한 제조기업에 근무하는 120명으로부터 얻은 자료를 통해 연구가설을 검증하였다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다: (1) 관계적 인구통계 변수 중 출신지역 비유사성은 직무태도와 직무성과 모두에 부정적(-) 영향을 미쳤다. (2) 경력 비유사성을 제외한 모든 관계적 인구통계 변수(성별, 근속, 출신지역 비유사성)가 OCB에 부정적 효과를 나타냈다. (3) 권력지각은 직무태도와 정(+)의 관계가 있었지만 직무성과와는 관련되지 않았다. (4) 출신지역 비유사성과 권력지각의 상호작용은 직무태도에 영향을 미쳤다. 출신지역 비유사성이 직무태도에 미치는 부정적(-) 효과는 권력지각이 높을 경우 완화되었다. 기타 결과변수에는 독립적인 효과가 있었다. (5) 심리적 소유감의 매개효과는 전문경력 비유사성, 권력지각, 출신지역 비유사성과 권력의 상호작용항 등 일부 요인에서만 확인되었다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로, 비주류집단의 결정요인에 대한 복합적인 고려의 필요성과 다양성 관리에의 함의 등 이론적 및 실무적 시사점을 제시하였다.

영문 초록

Managing diversity is one of the major topics in organization studies today. As the Korean workforce becomes more diverse, effective management of ‘minority groups’ has become a crucial and challenging issue in diversity management and practice. Previous research has only focused on numerical minority groups or the functional aspects of minority groups (e.g., education, career, dominant function diversity, etc.). However, numerical minority groups may hold high power and influence in the workplace. For example, dominant coalitions in Korean firms usually consist of star-performers from prestigious universities or invited Caucasian top executives. Despite being small in number statistically because of their educational performance or their race, respectively, they play virtually all the major roles in Korean organizations. Conversely, many lower-level employees and immigrant workers from developing countries are de facto minorities regardless of their abundant number. They have an inferior power position in firms. In this study, we consider both numerical majority-minority and superiority-inferiority in power relations at the same time. Drawing on relational demography theory and on perceived power perspective, we examine the main effects and the interaction effects of a team member’s demographic dissimilarity and perceived power (evaluated by others in the same team) on his or her job attitude and work performance (as evaluated by their immediate supervisor). Relational demographic dissimilarities include gender, hometown, organizational tenure, and career. Job attitude markers include organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and work performance measures include task performance and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). Furthermore, we investigate the mediating role of psychological ownership in relationships according to relational dissimilarity, perceived power, and outcome variables. Specifically, this study proposes the following hypotheses: H1 : Relational demographic dissimilarities are negatively related to individual job attitude and work performance. H2 : Perceived power is positively related to individual job attitude and work performance. H3 : Perceived power moderates the negative relationship between demographic dissimilarities and individual job attitude/work performance. The relationship between demographic dissimilarities and individual job attitude/work performance will be mitigated when perceived power is high. H4 : Psychological ownership mediates the relationship between demographic dissimilarities and individual job attitude and work performance. H5 : Psychological ownership mediates the relationships between perceived power and individual job attitude and work performance. H6 : The interaction effect of demographic dissimilarities and perceived power on individual job attitude/work performance will be mediated by psychological ownership. To test these hypotheses, we collected individual-level dissimilarity and power perception data from 120 employees in one medium-sized manufacturing company in Korea. We measured four demographic dissimilarities: gender and hometown (for ascribed characteristics), organizational tenure and career (for functional characteristics). We also constructed a ‘power perception matrix’ from the cross evaluation of power by whole team members. Following previous studies, task performance (in-role performance) and contextual performance (i.e., OCB or extra-role performance) were measured for work performance, and job satisfaction and organizational commitment were evaluated as markers of job attitude. We analyzed independent and interaction effects of relational demography and power with mediation effects of psychological ownership through hierarchical regression analysis. Major findings are as follows: (1) Among demographic dissimilarity, hometown dissimilarity showed significant negative effects on job attitudes and OCB. (2) All of the demogr


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 및 연구가설
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과
Ⅴ. 토론 및 시사점
Ⅵ. 결론


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정명호(Myung-Ho Chung),유니나(Nina Yoo). (2014).조직 내 비주류집단의 심리적 소유감과 직무성과. 인사조직연구, 22 (1), 317-359


정명호(Myung-Ho Chung),유니나(Nina Yoo). "조직 내 비주류집단의 심리적 소유감과 직무성과." 인사조직연구, 22.1(2014): 317-359

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