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복합운동훈련이 신생 흰쥐의 알코올성 소뇌손상 후 운동기능 및 신경연접가소성에 미치는 영향

이용수 61

The Effects of Complex Motor Training on Motor Function and Synaptic Plasticity After Neonatal Binge-like Alcohol Exposure in Rats
이선민(Sun-min Lee) 구현모(Hyun-mo Koo) 권혁철(Hyuk-cheol Kwon)
간행물 정보
『한국전문물리치료학회지』한국전문물리치료학회지 제12권 제3호, 56~66쪽, 전체 11쪽
의약학 > 의학일반

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The purposes of this study were to test that complex motor training enhance motor function significantly, to test change in cerebellum, and to test the synaptic plasticity into the immunohistochemistry response of synaptophysin. Using an animal model of fetal alcohol syndrome - which equates peak blood alcohol concentrations across developmental period - the effects of alcohol on body weight during periods were examined. The effect of complex motor training on motor function and synaptic plasticity of rat exposed alcohol on postnatal days 4 through 10 were studied. Newborn rats were assigned to one of two groups: 1) normal group (NG), via artificial rearing to milk formula and 2) alcohol groups (AG), via 4.5 g/㎏/day of ethanol in a milk solution. After completion of the treatments, the pups were fostered back to lactating dams, where they were raised in standard cages (two-and three animals per cage) until they were postnatal 48 days. Rats from alcohol group of postnatal treatment then spent 10 days in one of two groups: Alcohol-experimental group was had got complex motor training (learning traverse a set of 6 elevated obstacles) for 4 weeks. The alcohol-control group was not trained. Before consider replacing with “the experiment/study”, (avoid using “got” in writing) the rats were examined during four behavioral tests and their body weights were measured, then their coronal sections were processed in rabbit polyclonal antibody synaptophysin. The synaptophysin expression in the cerebellar cortex was investigated using a light microscope. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The alcohol groups contained significantly higher alcohol concentrations than the normal group. 2. The alcohol groups had significantly lower body weights than the normal group. 3. In alcohol groups performed significantly lower than the normal group on the motor behavioral test. 4. In alcohol-control group showed significantly decreased immunohistochemistric response of the synaptophysin in the cerebellar cortex compared to the nomal group. These results suggest that improved motor function induced by complex motor training after postnatal exposure is associated with dynamically altered expression of synaptophysin in cerebellar cortex and that is related with synaptic plasticity. Also, these data can potentially serve as a model for therapeutic intervention.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과
Ⅳ. 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론


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이선민(Sun-min Lee),구현모(Hyun-mo Koo),권혁철(Hyuk-cheol Kwon). (2005).복합운동훈련이 신생 흰쥐의 알코올성 소뇌손상 후 운동기능 및 신경연접가소성에 미치는 영향. 한국전문물리치료학회지, 12 (3), 56-66


이선민(Sun-min Lee),구현모(Hyun-mo Koo),권혁철(Hyuk-cheol Kwon). "복합운동훈련이 신생 흰쥐의 알코올성 소뇌손상 후 운동기능 및 신경연접가소성에 미치는 영향." 한국전문물리치료학회지, 12.3(2005): 56-66

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