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세기말ㆍ세기초의 루마니아 문학 (I)

이용수 113

Romanian Literature in the End of the 19th Century
한국외국어대학교 동유럽발칸연구소
김정환(Jeong Hwan Kim)
간행물 정보
『동유럽발칸연구』동유럽연구 제9권, 87~117쪽, 전체 31쪽
사회과학 > 정치외교학

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The aim of this study is to introduce how Romanian literature deploys in the end of 19th century and how some authors adapt their activities to the experience of manufactured articles based upon diverse trends of literary thoughts. Literary currents and manufactured articles under the influence of Junimea literary movements, come to realize the imaginary world which was to create other world by modernism, realism, presemănătorism and by transforming virtual reality into spiritual reality. The Romanian criticism under the influence of Maiorescu's critical styles was developed by Gherea's new critical method. His theoretic works like About critique, About metaphysical and scientific aesthetics etc. introduce other visual angle as critique of materialism, scientific and analytic criticism in Romanian literary world, in opposition to aesthetical principle of Junimea and classical method of criticism. Romanian modernism is introduced for the first time by Alexandru Macedonski through the his literary magazine Literatorul (Literary man, 1880). He cultivates and develops symbolistic theory and practice in his theoretic works as About logics of poetry(1880), Art of poems (1881), Future poetry(1892) and invents new theory named ‘Instrumental symbolism’ or ‘Instrumentalism’ which emphasize the point of musicality and role of poetic image. Some literary trends from middle of 19th century like Junimea literary movements disappear in historic and cultural situation, but authors' activities in those times became cultural foundation which developes Romanian literature. After epoch of Junimea, presemănătorist authors George Coşbuc, Barbu Ştefănescu Delavrancea, Duiliu Zamfirescu, Alexandru Vlahuţă prepare the appearance of semănătorism which has traditional and national tendency based upon spirit of land and peasants. They always prefer idilic world and realistic sentimentalism and aspire to the ture soul in rural world. Romanian literature in the end of the 19th century has influence on evolution, expansion of poetic categories and prosperity of posterior generation in Romanian poetic literature.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 세기말의 루마니아 문단과 시대 상황
Ⅲ. ‘동시대 Contemporanul’와 게레아 C.D.Gherea
Ⅳ. 모더니즘의 시작: 마체돈스키 Al. Macedonski
Ⅴ. 초기 세머너토리즘 Presemănătorismul 계열 작가
Ⅵ. 맺는 말
참 고 문 헌


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김정환(Jeong Hwan Kim). (2001).세기말ㆍ세기초의 루마니아 문학 (I). 동유럽발칸연구, 9 , 87-117


김정환(Jeong Hwan Kim). "세기말ㆍ세기초의 루마니아 문학 (I)." 동유럽발칸연구, 9.(2001): 87-117

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