성과주의 인사제도 운용의 딜레마 - 후지츠사 사례의 교훈
이용수 2483
- 영문명
- A Study on the Dilemmas of Performance-Based HRM System : Based on a Case Analysis of Fujitsu’s HRM System
- 발행기관
- 한국인사조직학회
- 저자명
- 박상언(Sang-Eon Park)
- 간행물 정보
- 『인사조직연구』인사·조직연구 제15권 제1호, 135~174쪽, 전체 40쪽
- 주제분류
- 경제경영 > 경영학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2007.03.30
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국문 초록
그간 성과주의가 광범히 확산되어 왔음에도 불구하고, 이러한 성과주의 인사제도가 실제 기업의 성과나 기타 여러 조직행동 측면에 어떠한 영향을 미쳐 왔는지를 확인해 보는 실증연구들은 생각보다 많지 않았다. 또한 기업들이 성과주의에 입각한 인사제도를 서둘러 도입하지 않을 수 없도록 유인하는 여러 가지 제도적 압력과 당위적 논리들에 묻혀서, 부적절한 성과주의 인사제도 운영이 야기할 수 있는 다양한 문제점들에 대해서는 충분한 조명을 해 오지 못했던 측면도 있었다고 할 수 있다.
이러한 취지에서, 본 연구는 성과주의 인사제도가 파생시킬 수 있는 여러 가지 문제점과, 이러한 제도의 운영과정에서 직면할 수 있는 다양한 딜레마를 기업의 실제 사례를 통해 분석ㆍ확인해 보았다. 즉, 1990년대 초반부터 일본에서 가장 선구적으로 성과주의 인사제도를 도입ㆍ시행해 왔던 회사인 후지츠사를 대상으로 하여, 이 회사가 성과주의 인사제도 운영과정에서 어떠한 문제점과 시행착오를 경험했으며, 또 이에 대해 어떠한 제도적 대응을 해 나갔는가를 종단적으로 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 성과주의 인사제도는 양면적 효과를 가지며, 특히 그간 선행연구들에서 지적되었던 성과주의 인사제도의 여러 부작용이 단순한 기우가 아님을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 사례연구가 시사하는 교훈과 연구의 한계점이 토론되었다.
이러한 취지에서, 본 연구는 성과주의 인사제도가 파생시킬 수 있는 여러 가지 문제점과, 이러한 제도의 운영과정에서 직면할 수 있는 다양한 딜레마를 기업의 실제 사례를 통해 분석ㆍ확인해 보았다. 즉, 1990년대 초반부터 일본에서 가장 선구적으로 성과주의 인사제도를 도입ㆍ시행해 왔던 회사인 후지츠사를 대상으로 하여, 이 회사가 성과주의 인사제도 운영과정에서 어떠한 문제점과 시행착오를 경험했으며, 또 이에 대해 어떠한 제도적 대응을 해 나갔는가를 종단적으로 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 성과주의 인사제도는 양면적 효과를 가지며, 특히 그간 선행연구들에서 지적되었던 성과주의 인사제도의 여러 부작용이 단순한 기우가 아님을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 사례연구가 시사하는 교훈과 연구의 한계점이 토론되었다.
영문 초록
There have been much debate about the effectiveness of performance-based Human Resource Management (HRM) system. Many scholars have argued that performance-based HRM system can have positive effects on a productivity and individual performance because it stimulates employees’ instrumentality perception and ascends the overall level of motivation of individual employees. Actually, many firms which had introduced these kinds of performance-based HRM systems and got an increase of productivity have seemed to prove these arguments.
Meanwhile, other researchers have worried about the negative side-effects that performancebased HRM systems might result. Among the most common and notorious problems that plague these performance-based HRM systems are the following. First of all, an emphasis on the increase of individual performance which performance-based HRM systems might induce, can generally undermine teamwork and reduce the concern for organizational performance. In addition, under the performance-based HRM systems people generally tend to have a short-term focus, so they become less inclined to take risks or explore possibilities, but avoid to challenge and just to pursue easy tasks. In short, the adoption of performance-based HRM system may have negative effects especially on the organizational and rather long-term level of performance. On this respect, some scholar even argued that the number one casualty of performance-based HRM systems might be ‘creativity or innovation’.
Despite many controversial issues around the effects of performance-based HRM systems, various forms of performance-based HRM system have been widely diffused in public organizations as well as in business firms in Korea since the last decade or so. And there have been in flux many theoretical researches and practical case studies about the organizations that adopted these kinds of HRM systems such as merit pay system or ‘Yeonbong-Je’ (the name of the ‘Pay-for-Performance System’ in Korea). But until now, not so many studies have empirically confirmed the effects of performance-based HRM system especially on the organizational effectiveness. In addition, few studies have properly illuminated the potential dilemmas and side-effects that may be resulted in implementing these performance-based HRM systems.
On this respect, this study conducted a longitudinal case analysis of Fujitsu, a Japanese Firm, which has been a pioneer in Japan in adopting various performance-based HRM systems. Since the early 1990s, Fujitsu has designed and implemented its unique performance-based HRM systems such as pay-for -performance program which is based on the Management-By-Objectives (MBO) system, a kind of flexible working system (that is called SPIRIT system in Fujitsu), a cadre employee system, and so on.
The purpose of this study are three-fold: (1) to review the previous literatures that argue the contradictory effects which performance-based HRM systems may produce; (2) based on this review, to trace and analyze longitudinally the dilemmas and many trial and errors which Fujitsu has experienced after it adopted the performance-based HRM system as a forerunner in Japan since the early 1990s; (3) to evaluate the institutional responses of Fujitsu and the changes of it"s performance-based HRM systems which were brought about, and to discuss the practical implications of this case for the design and implementation of effective HRM system.
The results of this in-depth case analysis showed that performance-based HRM system had both the positive advantages and negative side-effects. This study confirmed that performance-based HRM systems which Fujitsu has adopted and changed have actually produced many serious problems for the team and organizational level performance, which some previous researches have anticipated. Especially, the performance-based HRM system has reinforc
Meanwhile, other researchers have worried about the negative side-effects that performancebased HRM systems might result. Among the most common and notorious problems that plague these performance-based HRM systems are the following. First of all, an emphasis on the increase of individual performance which performance-based HRM systems might induce, can generally undermine teamwork and reduce the concern for organizational performance. In addition, under the performance-based HRM systems people generally tend to have a short-term focus, so they become less inclined to take risks or explore possibilities, but avoid to challenge and just to pursue easy tasks. In short, the adoption of performance-based HRM system may have negative effects especially on the organizational and rather long-term level of performance. On this respect, some scholar even argued that the number one casualty of performance-based HRM systems might be ‘creativity or innovation’.
Despite many controversial issues around the effects of performance-based HRM systems, various forms of performance-based HRM system have been widely diffused in public organizations as well as in business firms in Korea since the last decade or so. And there have been in flux many theoretical researches and practical case studies about the organizations that adopted these kinds of HRM systems such as merit pay system or ‘Yeonbong-Je’ (the name of the ‘Pay-for-Performance System’ in Korea). But until now, not so many studies have empirically confirmed the effects of performance-based HRM system especially on the organizational effectiveness. In addition, few studies have properly illuminated the potential dilemmas and side-effects that may be resulted in implementing these performance-based HRM systems.
On this respect, this study conducted a longitudinal case analysis of Fujitsu, a Japanese Firm, which has been a pioneer in Japan in adopting various performance-based HRM systems. Since the early 1990s, Fujitsu has designed and implemented its unique performance-based HRM systems such as pay-for -performance program which is based on the Management-By-Objectives (MBO) system, a kind of flexible working system (that is called SPIRIT system in Fujitsu), a cadre employee system, and so on.
The purpose of this study are three-fold: (1) to review the previous literatures that argue the contradictory effects which performance-based HRM systems may produce; (2) based on this review, to trace and analyze longitudinally the dilemmas and many trial and errors which Fujitsu has experienced after it adopted the performance-based HRM system as a forerunner in Japan since the early 1990s; (3) to evaluate the institutional responses of Fujitsu and the changes of it"s performance-based HRM systems which were brought about, and to discuss the practical implications of this case for the design and implementation of effective HRM system.
The results of this in-depth case analysis showed that performance-based HRM system had both the positive advantages and negative side-effects. This study confirmed that performance-based HRM systems which Fujitsu has adopted and changed have actually produced many serious problems for the team and organizational level performance, which some previous researches have anticipated. Especially, the performance-based HRM system has reinforc
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 성과주의 인사제도: 주요 특징과 기대효과, 그리고 문제점
Ⅲ. 사례: 후지츠사의 성과주의 인사제도- 주요 내용과 변천과정
Ⅳ. 토론 및 연구의 한계
〈부록 1〉 후지츠의 목표평가시트(간부사원용, 표준판의 일부 내용임)
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 성과주의 인사제도: 주요 특징과 기대효과, 그리고 문제점
Ⅲ. 사례: 후지츠사의 성과주의 인사제도- 주요 내용과 변천과정
Ⅳ. 토론 및 연구의 한계
〈부록 1〉 후지츠의 목표평가시트(간부사원용, 표준판의 일부 내용임)
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