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왜 협상이 결렬되는가 : 행태적 의사결정관점 및 이해관계자 파워 관점에서 본 사례연구

이용수 583

Why do Negotiations Fail:A Case Study with a Behavioral Decision-Making View and a Stakeholder Power View
조남신(Namshin Cho)
간행물 정보
『인사조직연구』인사·조직연구 제15권 제1호, 45~87쪽, 전체 43쪽
경제경영 > 경영학

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  본 논문은 K대학교의 노사간 임금협상이 양측의 상당한 노력에도 불구하고 결렬되는 과정을 조명하였다. 이를 위해 행태적 의사결정관점과 이해관계자 파워관점을 채택하였다. 기존 협상연구의 주류를 이루는 행태적 의사결정관점을 통해서는 혼합형태의 동기, 자신의 대안에 대한 과신, 정보의 잘못된 해석, 협상이슈에의 감정적 몰입 등을 주요한 장애요인으로 설명하였다. 본 연구에서 새로이 제시한 이해관계자 파워관점에서는 협상참여자 및 이해관계자의 복잡성과 그 영향력, 협상참여자의 파워강화 의도, 파워강화를 위한 협상의제 제기, 협상대표에 대한 이해관계자들 간의 입장상충 등이 협상 결렬과 연관되어 있는 것으로 설명하였다. 이들 각각의 요인들에 대해 명제를 제시하고 시사점 및 추후 연구과제를 논의하였다.

영문 초록

  This study illuminates the process through which a series of negotiations resulted in failures, i.e., impasse with all the efforts of each party. Existing studies take either a structural approach based on rational perspective or a behavioral decision-making approach based on socialpsychological perspective. They do not fully explain the process through which negotiations result in impasse, particularly those in labor-management relations such as shown in this paper. This paper adopts Allison’s (1971) perspective to suggest an alternative view to explain impasse, a stakeholder power view. It takes a behavioral decision-making view and a stakeholder power view to explain a labor-management negotiation case of a university that resulted in an impasse.
  The author participated in and observed a series of labor-management negotiations as a member of the negotiation team on the management side at a university in Korea. This study develops a case based on the participative observation, documents, announcements, and conversations. The case is interpreted from the two perspectives and propositions are suggested respectively.
  From a behavioral decision-making perspective which assumes bounded rationality of negotiators as decision makers, the following propositions are proposed to illuminate the critical barriers to successful negotiation results. (1) A negotiation with mixed-motives is likely to result in an impasse as much as a distributive negotiation because negotiators often do not recognize the possibilities of integrative outcomes. (2) When negotiators have over-confidence in their own alternatives compared with the actual ones, a negotiation is likely to result in an impasse. (3) Negotiators who misinterpret the interests of the opponents with limited information and communication are less likely to reach an agreement. (4) Negotiators who focus, with affective involvement, on their positions rather than interests are less likely to reach an agreement.
  A stakeholder power perspective assumes that a number of stakeholders participate in negotiations with their own interests to increase personal and group power. The negotiation outcomes are resultants of ‘power games’ among the participants who often make non-rational decisions. The following propositions are suggested. (5) A negotiation that has a larger number of participants and stakeholders who exert stronger power is like to result in an impasse. (6) Negotiators who have stronger intentions to increase their own power within the subgroup they belong to are less likely to reach an agreement. (7) Negotiators who select issues with an intention to increase their own personal or subgroup power are less likely to reach an agreement. (8) A negotiation whose stakeholders have more conflict of interests is likely to result in an impasse.
  Implications to avoid or overcome barriers to agreement under bounded rationality are suggested as follows. First, negotiators need to intentionally promote communication between the parties regarding the procedures and issues of negotiation in order to explore the possibility of integrative outcomes. Second, negotiators need to develop open environment with the negotiation team so that they can freely evaluate and discuss about their BATNA. Third, negotiators need to build trust between the parties through informal as well as formal communications. Fourth, negotiators need to make efforts to make and keep rapport with the other party in order not to become affectively involved in their positions.
  From a stakeholder power view, the following implications are suggested even though they may be difficult to implement. Fifth, negotiators need to make efforts to manage stakeholders so that they can keep the balance of power among the stakeholders. Sixth, negotiators need to adopt rule oriented approach in order to complement power oriented approach. Seventh,


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 협상사례: K대학교 직원임금협상
Ⅳ. 해석 및 명제제시
Ⅴ. 결론: 시사점과 향후 연구과제


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조남신(Namshin Cho). (2007).왜 협상이 결렬되는가 : 행태적 의사결정관점 및 이해관계자 파워 관점에서 본 사례연구. 인사조직연구, 15 (1), 45-87


조남신(Namshin Cho). "왜 협상이 결렬되는가 : 행태적 의사결정관점 및 이해관계자 파워 관점에서 본 사례연구." 인사조직연구, 15.1(2007): 45-87

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