萬海와 曉堂의 人間 關係 연구
이용수 54
- 영문명
- The Study of the Relationship between Manhae and Hyodang
- 발행기관
- 한국불교연구원
- 저자명
- 전보삼(Jeon Bo-Sam)
- 간행물 정보
- 『불교연구』佛敎硏究 第25輯, 257~279쪽, 전체 23쪽
- 주제분류
- 인문학 > 불교학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2006.08.30
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국문 초록
영문 초록
As a monk, Han. Yong-Woon (Manhae, 1879-1944) organized Korean independence movement on the frist of March in 1919 and participated in Shinganhoe, the association of Korean nationalists against Japanese imperialism. That is, he did his best to recover Korean independence for life. In particular. his spirit of Korean independence based on Buddhism had an strong influence on his follows and students. It was Choi, Beom-Soel(Hyodang, 1904-1979) who one of them was. He was a monk like Manhae. As Manhae"s student and colleague eager for Korean independence. he tried to study Manhae"s spirit of Buddhism and Korean independence.
This essay will focus on their particular relationship in the situation of colony. In regard of their lives. it seemed to be difficult to say that Hyodang was a mere student of Manhae. This was because both of them had a common purpose for Korean independence and exercised their plans in practice. In their specific relationship. therefore. there were a human side as well as an activistic side. As some materials for that argument. firstly, there are the manuscripts and articles left by Hyodang, in which he gave expression to Manhae"s feeling, and, secondly, Collected Works of Han, Yong-Woon (vol. 1~vol. 6). In these volumes, it is seen how Manhae was connected Kith Hyodang in Manhae"s view. In other words, the character of their relationship can be more obvious by comparing Hyodang"s Kith Manhae material together.
To sum up, Hyodang in the introduction of the Study of Han, Yong-Woon (1960) emphasized and regarded "life" Kith truth and eternity as young generations, which was the same end of Manhae. In this course. it is said that Manhae and Hyodang have taken a crucial view of "practice." Imaging the feeling of making friends Kith them beyond time and space. therefore, I would suggest that their core teaching is the practice of spiritual life based on Korean independence and Buddhism, which can be applied to present and future life as human wisdom.
This essay will focus on their particular relationship in the situation of colony. In regard of their lives. it seemed to be difficult to say that Hyodang was a mere student of Manhae. This was because both of them had a common purpose for Korean independence and exercised their plans in practice. In their specific relationship. therefore. there were a human side as well as an activistic side. As some materials for that argument. firstly, there are the manuscripts and articles left by Hyodang, in which he gave expression to Manhae"s feeling, and, secondly, Collected Works of Han, Yong-Woon (vol. 1~vol. 6). In these volumes, it is seen how Manhae was connected Kith Hyodang in Manhae"s view. In other words, the character of their relationship can be more obvious by comparing Hyodang"s Kith Manhae material together.
To sum up, Hyodang in the introduction of the Study of Han, Yong-Woon (1960) emphasized and regarded "life" Kith truth and eternity as young generations, which was the same end of Manhae. In this course. it is said that Manhae and Hyodang have taken a crucial view of "practice." Imaging the feeling of making friends Kith them beyond time and space. therefore, I would suggest that their core teaching is the practice of spiritual life based on Korean independence and Buddhism, which can be applied to present and future life as human wisdom.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 만해와 효당의 관계
Ⅲ. 만당과 효당
Ⅳ. 효당의 만해사랑 정신
Ⅴ. 효당과 《한용운 전집》
Ⅵ. 맺는말
Ⅱ. 만해와 효당의 관계
Ⅲ. 만당과 효당
Ⅳ. 효당의 만해사랑 정신
Ⅴ. 효당과 《한용운 전집》
Ⅵ. 맺는말
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